[New Quizzes] RCE to match Canvas

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

Please feel free to turn this feature idea off if it's been addressed (or on it's way?) but I am not initially seeing it. With the new Rich Content Editor rolling into Canvas (June 2020), can I request that we have one RCE across Canvas (inclusive of the Equation Editor)?


I'd like to request New Quizzes use the same RCE as within a Canvas course. (or at a minimum can the icons and locations of options be the same?)


Training and supporting a single content creation tool for rich text allows for a more seamless adoption of New Quizzes and ongoing consistency. Faculty and students will see the New Quizzes as part of Canvas a bit more easily. (and no need to reinvent the wheel Smiley Happy).


New RCE (Wiris-like Equation Editor)

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New Quizzes RCE (MathQuill Equation Editor)

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Community Contributor

Another reason to stick to one editor is that there can be custom integrations in the editor. In our institution we use Canvas Studio. This is available in the new RCE but not in the new quizzes RCE.

Community Champion

It only makes sense to have the same RCE wherever you encounter it in a course.

Community Participant

Yes, I would very much love this.  Trying to do a roman numeral list in New Quizzes is impossible and its such a simple feature!!

Community Participant

Agree with this for all reasons outlined above. Having to train faculty in using two very different RCE's is one reason (note, there are many) that we have not yet enabled New Quizzes at our institution.

Community Explorer

I agree that having the same RCE toolbar would be useful. However, I will say that I much prefer the image upload option in New Quizzes that to the new RCE - it is much more straight forward to understand, especially for students!

Community Participant

@ndeatherage I do find it easier to upload the images as they just upload and off you go. However, where do they go? And how do you manage those files?

I also find that we can't link to a document within the question in Quizzes. It needs to be hosted somewhere independently of Canvas (ie Dropbox) to be able to link to a URL. You can't upload a document. Why would we need to do this? The file upload question type - if we need students to fill out a document and upload it to support the quiz questions (ie a hazard identification form) and it isn't a big enough thing to put in its own assignment (and out of context in its own assignment). In Classic Quizzes we could do this as it stored the files in the Canvas course. But with new Quizzes being an LTI it doesn't do this (and you can't link to a document in the course because then the link doesn't get updated if you copy the course).

Community Explorer

This. There are so many baffling things about the New Quizzes, and this is quite high up the list.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

For everyone interested in this conversation, please have a look at Peyton Craighill's blog post RCE Updates - Fall 2020 and add your thoughts to the comments section there.

Community Participant

I was able to go into a couple of courses and migrate quizzes into New Quizzes. On a good note, the courses were Greek and Hebrew courses and the fonts came over correctly!  At issue is the lack of HTML editing as well as font style choices. Several quizzes migrated, but have different font styles (serif and san serif as well as different font sizes). I need to go in and align them all for consistency, but there is no font type selection or HTML coding editing allowed. I can align font size fine, but not style (Ariel,  Times New Roman, etc.).

I would love to see this feature added by New Quizzes with pressure from the Canvas community to make their editor offer the same features as Canvas' new text editor.  Otherwise, it is very frustrating!

Community Participant

In general, I agree.  One caveat, the mathquill provides beautiful images that cannot be autograded because they are IMAGES, not latex code that could be autograded.  I do not understand the functionality of mathquill as it can only be used for question stems and not answers.  Of course, students have access to it but only for essay questions that have to be manually graded.  It is so easy to grade latex code and I am used to providing multiple correct answers in the math courses I teach.