Copy courses and maintain item bank edit permissions?

Community Participant

Right now it appears that when we do a course copy, if it uses item banks that are shared with the original course, the new course will also have those item banks shared with it, but only with view permissions, not edit. 

Is there a way to copy a course so that the new course instructors are also given edit permissions to the item banks? 

Like, if the original course is deleted or "concluded" will that help? 

I'm not sure we want to change it forever, but sometimes we copy a course and want to transfer those permissions because we are creating a new version of a master/template course and no longer using the old one. It's a pain to have to edit each item bank and adjust the permissions. 

But, other times like when using blueprints and creating courses from it, it's good that only the blueprint has the edit permissions. 

Thanks for anyone with insights here. 

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