Calendar/To-do list Widget

Community Member

Okay, why is there not a widget for iOS for our calendars or To-Do list? Or, if there is one, how do I get to it? As a full time college student with a full time job, this would be an invaluable tool to have. Being able to see what assignments are due on my homepage would help make sure I don’t miss assignments that are due. Trying to go through all of my courses and manually enter them into a different app, but would be tedious and time consuming then I’d still have to go back and find it on canvas rather than just clicking straight to it from my Home Screen. Not to mention I already have a Google calendar for work on my home screen, plus reminders. But it seems far more beneficial for the student app to be able to see a calendar or to do list than it does to look at my grades on my home screen. 

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