Student submissions in Mastery Connect

Community Novice

Can students upload a file or document in MasteryConnect? Often our secondary teachers have students complete their writing in Google and then submit to Canvas. The issue is that if the submission type is a file upload then teachers cannot use MasteryConnect in the speedgrader. This causes additional work for teachers they either need to

  1. Create an assignment in Canvas that allows for students to upload files, make the assignment complete or incomplete and then enter a raw score in a second window in MasteryConnect.

**. They need to make it complete or incomplete so that it moves the assignment from their To-Do list so that teachers know what still needs to be graded.

2. There needs to be an ability for students to submit/upload a file to MasteryConnect to make grading easier. Multiple choice questions are not best practice when teaching.

3. Or there needs to be the ability for two external tools in Canvas so that students can submit to Canvas and grades are automatically entered into the MasteryTracker. It's not user friendly for teachers to have to enter their scores in two different location.

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