Translations in a global world of education

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

I recently returned from France, where I used google translate to help me ask for the bill at the end of our meal. I asked the server for feedback on my French, and he informed me this was the literal translation, ‘pour la facture’. He recommended the more locally accepted phrase ‘l’addition s’il vous plait’. 

 As you read this, you may think, but why does it matter? The phrases were both comprehensible. Intelligible even. What this shows us is the importance of intent, and how an understanding of how languages are adapted locally makes the user's experience seamless. 

 Google can translate a word, phrase or sentence. Still, it cannot (yet) understand cultural nuances such as formal or informal variations, or how language can adapt as it travels. Non-native speakers of English greatly outnumber speakers born into the language, and the variations this creates in the English language provides countless examples of the differences between casual language usage, the grammatical standard, or one that favours shared meanings over semantic rigour. 

 I am not a huge tea drinker, but we all know, or are familiar with the word 'tea' in some form or the other. In Pakistan (where my parents emigrated from), they use the Urdu word 'chai'. If you are aware that both terms mean the same thing, you will understand the pain of hearing the phrase ‘chai tea’ in coffee houses.

 Nearly every country in the world has a similar word for tea: most use the ‘te’ or ‘cha’ phonetic variant. If you are familiar with using a ‘cha’ derivative, it probably means that tea travelled into that location via the mainland from China; hence many countries will use chai, cha, chay etc. You will see similar patterns with the ‘te’ sound for those where tea travelled via the coast. This incredible origin of an everyday item reveals the rich heritage of our language, and how some words resist change, while others are affected by time, technology or geographical mobility. (*link to the article cited in footer). 

As the new EMEA Product Manager, I am coming in to support and improve our translations effort. Language matters, especially in learning environments. Countless studies show that students learn best when they are comfortable. With increasing access to Educational technology in classrooms around the world, how a learning platform uses a student’s native language can either engage or estrange that student. At Instructure, we strive to support student engagement. Our translation efforts are motivated by ensuring equality for every student using any product in the Instructure suite and feeling comfortable and valued as they learn.

 We most recently introduced Catalan to our languages. A really useful piece of feedback was with regards to how we translated the word ‘tasks’ within courses. We initially used the word ‘tasques’’. But this refers primarily to household-related chores and the more appropriate translation in the educational context would be ‘activitats’. 

As part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring we get things right the first time, we have kicked off introducing Malaysian as a language this week. Malay, or Bahasa Malaysia is just one more example of a language rich in the history of its country and which affects its usage. Initial feedback is that our translations are very literal, and it appears we’re over translating some of the terms. Colloquially, a lot of English is thrown into speaking Malay, as well as in other SE Asian countries (Singlish), and it would only be under extremely formal contexts that one would use exclusively Malay vocabulary. For example, authentication is correctly translated to pengesahan, but something technical like auth URI might remain auth URl instead of benarkan URL.

We want to work closely with our customers and get you involved from the start (Malay is a great example of this) thus providing you ownership over your learning tools and a seamless and simplified user experience. How can you do this? Get involved in your regional user groups, highlight bugs/recommendations and feature suggestions through your CSM and our Support team. 

(You may even notice that this is written in British English ;))



* article:


The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

We wanted to give an update on the work we are doing in Translations. It has been a busy couple of months, which started with fixing and improving our processes to promptly triage and respond to your translation tickets. The feedback on this has been widely appreciated, with customers getting to see real-time progress and updates. 


Along the way, we are learning about the importance of context and working with institutes and students to ensure we use the preferred vocabulary in our language packs.  


Here are a few recent examples of changes we have made in order to improve our localisation efforts:


  • In our Swedish language pack, Canvas was changing the Swedish term for incomplete (Inte färdig) to Ej fullständig (not complete) when going into the course. This means the same thing; however, we worked with admins to identify the correct term, and they recommended we use the term Inte färdig throughout. 


  • In our Dutch language pack, we worked with users to update our translations for the word 'Reply'. Users had suggested that the Dutch (Nederlands) translation for "Reply" for discussions should be changed from "Beantwoorden" to "Reageren". "Beantwoorden" is a transitive verb closer to English "answer" than "reply." So, you can beantwoorden a question, but you can't beantwoorden without a direct object. "Reageren" is a transitive verb closer to English "answer" than "reply. 


  • In our German language pack for Studio, we had the word "Eindeutige Viewer" for "Unique Viewers". The feedback we received was that this was a strange translation and that it should be something closer to "Einzelne Zuschauer". We consulted this change with numerous native speakers and then implemented it. 


We aim to keep improving our efforts in Internationalization and look to you, our community, to provide feedback and suggestions. 

Community Member

It's great when people want to contribute to the development of technology related to languages and the cultural factor. I love reading posts like this with stories of travel situations. I've met people who have shared experiences with foreigners trying to reproduce formal or informal treatment in their language but can't do it. Fortunately, people create many language-related apps for those who want to travel. I trained in IT at asa miami. So as an app developer, I was also interested in developing an app that would help communicate people's intentions as closely as possible verbally using AI. Malaysian may be first on our list. Thank you for your story. Email me on PM for collaboration.

Community Participant

Very cool! Love the commitment to translations, and very interesting article about tea! Thanks for sharing 😃

Community Member

Another aspect of this is consistency of application.

For example, the system default for our site is set to English (Australia) yet there are spelling suggestions made in the rce that point towards Canvas still believing American spelling is correct.

Example when editing a rubric criterion:
'Organisation and rigour demonstrated in project documentation' where organisation and rigour are marked as possibly incorrectly spelled