New Table in CD2/DAP Query API: Collaborations



We’re excited to announce updates to a new table in the Canvas namespace that will be available in your CD2/DAP Query API dataset starting February 10th. These changes enrich the dataset with additional context and expand the range of supported use cases.

If you’re a DAP CLI user, no action is required on your part—CLI automatically handles new enum values seamlessly.

The collaborations table will look like this:


This table contains attributes related to collaborations.

  • Parameters:
    • id (int64) – primary key The ID of the collaboration.
    • collaboration_type (Annotated[str, MaxLength(255)] | None) – The type of the collaboration.
    • document_id (Annotated[str, MaxLength(255)] | None) – The ID of the document.
    • user_id (users| None) – The ID of the user.
    • context_id (accounts | groups | courses | None) – The ID of the context.
    • context_type (collaboration__context_type | None) – The type of the context.
    • url (Annotated[str, MaxLength(255)] | None) – The URL of the collaboration.
    • uuid (UUID | None) – The UUID of the collaboration.
    • data (json | None) – The data of the collaboration.
    • created_at (datetime) – The date this collaboration was created.
    • updated_at (datetime) – The date this collaboration was updated.
    • description (bounded_str | None) – The description of the collaboration.
    • title (Annotated[str, MaxLength(255)]) – The title of the collaboration.
    • workflow_state (Annotated[str, MaxLength(255)]) – The workflow state of the collaboration.
    • deleted_at (datetime | None) – The date this collaboration was deleted.
    • context_code (Annotated[str, MaxLength(255)] | None) – The context code of the collaboration.
    • type (Annotated[str, MaxLength(255)] | None) – The type of the collaboration.
    • resource_link_lookup_uuid (UUID | None) – The UUID of the resource

The documentation is going to be updated once the release is out, so it always documents the current, live state of the system.

Community Member

I can used canvas yet I just started in college Medical assisting .

Community Coach
Community Coach

@sgergely Has there been a change to the release date for canvas.collaborations in CD2/DAP?


@stimme yes, there was a slight delay because we have discovered an issue with in the Catalog schema where a new column (hide_in_user_workflow ) got added unplanned in the table user_defined_fields. And this additional column broke the DAP CLI for those who have been syncing this table. 

Both collaborations tables and the new schema for Catalog namespace has been released and I would like apologize for the inconvenience we have caused.

Community Champion

Hi @sgergely,

Can the json schemas be updated to reflect this change?


Hi @robotcars that is coming from the old documentation page and it should not be available anymore as it was sunset. The new and updated documentation is here:

However this schema is not migrated there. There was also a SQL schema published in the old documentation.

What are you using this for? You can get all tables schemas using the schema endpoint

Community Champion

Hi @sgergely,

The docs are good reference, but sometimes something more concise is nicer. I had this saved as it allowed me to reference things quickly without having to fuss with the rest of the documentation. I will use the supported docs. Thank you