New Quizzes Transition Feature Flag - Default to New Quizzes

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

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As part of our effort to empower administrators to plan their New Quizzes transition timelines, we have recently completed work on the latest feature flag which gives the option to Default to New Quizzes. This feature flag will be made available to all users in beta on 9/15 and in production on 9/28. Please see Canvas Deploy Notes (2022-09-28).

This feature option sets New Quizzes as the default quizzing engine and removes the ability to create Classic Quizzes. Access will not be removed for viewing content or data for Classic Quizzes. When creating a quiz from the “+Quiz” button it will take you to the Assignment Edit page rather than open the window to Choose a Quiz Engine. It will still be possible, for the foreseeable future, to create Classic Quizzes via import (with New Quizzes Migration Required flag not enabled) & API.

Please be sure to visit this page for the latest release information on feature flags:

Just a reminder that the other migration related feature flags are available in Beta environments and will be available in Production once Phase 1 of the Rich Content Editor integration is complete.

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The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.

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I understand that this new feature will be helpful in the future.  However, if I enabled this today, I might be causing a much larger issue. As an IT instructor, my quizzes are only available from the publisher in a format that imports via Common Cartridge.  As an Admin, I see quite a few banks from a variety of publishers, available in the same format.  At this time, the cartridge below for example will not convert to New Quizzes with the import option selected.  However, it does see import questions into a Classic Bank (forgive the terminology), no problem. As a Classic Quiz bank, with no ability to create a Classic Quiz, I have no way to convert these questions.   


When this happened, I attempted to use Item Banks (for New Quizzes) to create a bank, and attempt to import the cartridge. However, I receive the below error


I would love to enforce the change, but cannot seem to find a method around creating a Classic Quiz to pile these questions into for conversion.  Is there another method that I am not seeing?  



Community Participant

At our College, we have many programs that use publisher test banks/quizzes and most upload through the QTI option which is not available with New Quizzes.  It will be a bit before we enforce the change also.

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I recently created a couple quizzes for one of our courses, in the idea of progress I made it in both classic and new quizzes, I found the classic quiz was much more customisable and I could mould it to my needs where the new quiz was very rigid and items did exactly what they said and nothing more. Knowing how my organisation works, in their current form we would find new quizzes unusable therefore we won't be using this feature.

Community Participant

Recently, I was impressed by a demonstration of TOPHAT integrated with Canvas. It looks like a full-featured and robust assessment tool. I am seriously considering adopting 12 courses to TOPHAT assessments, rather than migrating to New Quizzes. I have no idea what it takes to import old quizzes into TopHat, however.