LTI Support in Canvas Turns 10 Years Old Today!

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

As I looked at my calendar this month I was reminded this May 13 (today) marks an anniversary of when LTI support was deployed to Canvas. This year will be 10 years! \o/


So much has happened in the last 10 years for Canvas and the LTI standard. Now as a collection of many standards, LTI provides so much more than a simple launch from the LMS to a learning tool. It’s exciting to see where the standard was 10 years ago, where it is now and the potential it has for the future. As we continue to work with colleagues from other industry ed tech vendors, institutions and districts alike I am humbled by their enthusiasm to continue to innovate and improve how learning related software integrates providing more functionality to those in the teaching and learning process. 


Looking back, our focus of LTI support in Canvas has primarily been to those who officially partner with us and provide an integrated application for Canvas users, but what has been so refreshing to see is how much our customers have accomplished building and integrating their own products into Canvas. I have seen many awesome examples over the last eight years from many who innovated solutions whether it was in response to needs of their staff, teachers and students, or to an incoming natural disaster and now a worldwide pandemic which flipped almost everything in the education world on its head. This leads me to believe there are so many more examples out there. If you are working on something at your school to integrate with Canvas comment below, we’d love to hear about it.


It is exciting to think of what challenges will be overcome and what new innovations will be revealed over the next ten years. I look forward to the future realizing with the solid foundation the current standards bring, the real work has only begun as there is so, so, so much more to do.

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.