Canvas Klatch - March 11

Canvas Klatch
Published on ‎03-03-2025 03:21 PM by Community Coach

The Canvas Klatch is an online office hour open to all members of the Instructure Community. It started as an office hour for the courses I teach for CVC@ONE:

This is a collaborative, system-wide network of California Community College faculty, classified professionals, and administrators. The project provides training and professional development to support the effective use of digital tools and is coordinated by the professional development team at the California Virtual Campus .


All members of the Instructure Community are welcome! This is like an office hour, so whoever attends directs the conversation. Attendees will first be placed in the waiting room.

Join from a computer or mobile device:

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Community Coach

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Tue, Mar 11, 2025 04:00 PM MDT
Tue, Mar 11, 2025 04:30 PM MDT
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Community Member

I am camera shy.

Community Coach

That's okay, @WilmerDay . You are welcome to join without enabling your camera, and you can even use the chat to participate if you don't want to use your voice. I hope you decide to join a future Canvas Klatch.