Join the Closed Beta: Experience The New Media Player in Canvas!



Some of you already spotted it on the public roadmap that we are working on a whole new media player experience. It is somewhat tucked away under Canvas Studio, but rest assured, we are very happy to let you know that it will be coming to any Canvas video content: a more intuitive player with contemporary design patterns, enhanced security, equipped with adaptive streaming and needless to say, better accessibility!

But it’s a big change for us. Every year, millions of hours of video content is uploaded to Canvas, so we want you to be part of it. In fact, it would be quite irresponsible of us not to ask this, so let me quickly rephrase. We need your expertise and experience to make this right.

What do I need to know about the Closed Beta testing?

First and foremost, we are looking for root account Canvas Admins to sign up. As a beta tester, we will replace the Canvas media player for you with the new experience in one or more sub-accounts that you will get to specify later. Also keep in mind that we will enable the new player in production environments. Why? Because the beta Canvas media player will offer all the features of the current player without causing any disruption to learning. Still, you will get to control the sub-accounts where you would want to have it for your staff and students. 

We will use a private Feature User Group here in the Community to discuss ideas and findings  that will open for you late October, the day after the sign-up period ends. Later in November, we will enable the new player in the specified sub-accounts and begin the discussion in the private Feature User Group over the course of the subsequent weeks. Further down you’ll find a complete overview on the timeline, although we are yet to finalize the exact dates.
If you are an Admin and interested in signing up for the closed Beta group, please sign up here and we will be in touch later in October.

How will the new media player enhance learning?

We have a range of enhancements besides refreshing the visual design. The beta media player will only include the new design that we will use to collect feedback on the overall experience, the additional accessibility elements and features that you would love to see added to the player. During the beta period, we’ll be actively working on the following additions:

  • Improved Accessibility: Better support for captions and keyboard navigation
  • Auto-Captioning: We will dot the i's and cross the t's with auto-captioning all Canvas media
  • Adaptive Streaming: Seamless playback adjusted to the learner’s device and bandwidth for uninterrupted learning experience
  • Studio Support: Full support for interactions like video quizzing or comments for those who leverage Studio. 
  • Beta Feedback: And last but not least, iterating on the player experience based on the closed group’s feedback. We’ve got a few feature ideas up our sleeves (psst.. watermarks, player rebranding etc) that we’ll be chatting about with the closed beta group to get a better sense of their value.

Alright, but could you at least give me a sneak peek of what you're working on? Okay, sure.. let me give you all something. Nothing fancy, just a nice castle in Germany.


Timeline overview

  1. Late October - Beta group sign-ups close and sub-account collection begins
  2. November - Enabling the new player in the collected sub-accounts, private User Group opens for discussion
  3. January/February - Beta period ends

Releasing the player will come shortly after the Beta period ends. So, if you are a root account Canvas Admin and excited to experience these improvements firsthand and provide valuable feedback, please sign up here.



Community Champion

I just signed up, but I have a follow-up question: Is the new player aimed primarily at Canvas Studio customers or all of Canvas site-wide?

Just curious.


Hi @themidiman,

When this is released to everyone, it will upgrade the media player experience across the entire Canvas platform. The Studio player will receive the upgrade with that Canvas release. However, during this current beta period, it won't affect Studio videos, as we're still working on integrating interaction features like comments and quizzes in parallel.



Community Participant

Thank you @AkosFarago ! Glad to hear there will be ONE Canvas media player in the RCE. We are most interested in testing the accessibility features and how it works on mobile. 

Community Participant

For organizations with Studio will videos uploaded through the media player count towards course storage?


Hi @mwolfenstein,

storage considerations won't change with this upgrade, the existing Studio and Canvas allocations will remain as they are.  



Community Member

Will this eventually be a replacement for Canvas Studio? What would be the benefit of keeping Canvas Studio if the updated Media Player does the same things? 


Hi @ScottHahn,

Canvas Studio is a video management platform with video editing, annotations and interactions such as video quizzing, commenting etc. This piece only focuses on the player experience and will not replace but extend those very nicely. 



Community Member

How will this affect audio only files? Currently, audio often appears as a video file without the visual component. Will the appearance and behaviour of audio only files change with this feature?

Community Champion

@carlie_gannon , I had some struggles earlier this year with poor performance of the current player that had a change pushed out over the summer (2024). The change made pages with multiple embedded media players have loading errors. I asked a side-question about the video file appearance when the media was audio only, and the feedback from the community was that in order for audio files to have accessibility, it should have a space for timed captions to able to be displayed in the same way a video would present them to the user. With that said I do hope this new player will improve loading time for pages that need multiple videos on the same page. Our ASL instructors really depend on lots of little videos for activities like vocab review.


@carlie_gannon we won't change the audio experience in the beta release, but we are going to implement a modern audio layout either for the official release in Q1, or shortly after. To be more specific on that, we will likely to remove the visual component and solve accessibilty in a smarter way.  

@themidiman the loading error related to embedding multiple media players is not something we will address with the new player. One thing is certain however: for Studio media, we will officially support a playlist component next year, so there will be no need to work around with multiple embeds and fix this issue. We will also look into our options with Canvas media.

Community Champion

Thank you @AkosFarago. The ability to have playlists is a welcome feature. 

I was reminded of another question post from @PLDeMartini about captions in Studio. I'm wondering if you and your dev team might take into account how the Amara Player allows for interactive captions or configurable display options for accessibility.


Hi @themidiman, improving the embedded player with such searchable transcript on the side is a place where we will want to be soon with Studio! While this is not on the public roadmap currently, we are making three major changes one after each other in the following logical order besides the rest of our commitments:

  1. Improving the video library experience (aiming for end of year)
  2. Improving the player experience (aiming for Q1 next year)
  3. Improving the embedded experience (no clear ETA, but hoping to get there by next autumn)

Amara is a player that is widely used and we are well aware of its great functionalities. We really appreciate your feedback on this!

Community Champion

Thanks, @AkosFarago for being so transparent and innovative with your role at Instructure. I'm excited to be part of the beta group and look forward to seeing those design/UX goals being met and deployed into production.

Community Champion

@AkosFarago Will the auto-captioning updates apply to YouTube videos added to Studio libraries?

While staff do use YouTube and Studio, we have not encouraged this because the YouTube videos are not captioned by Studio and not accessible. Unfortunately we learned this week that YouTube videos embedded on Canvas pages via the YouTube external tool or the RCE embed tool now show ads to our K-12 students. Support advised us to use Studio where the ads do not show, but the only way to make those accessible are for the teacher to manually type in the CC which staff do not have the time to do anytime the want to use a clip from YouTube.

Community Explorer

Hi all,

Is there a feature list somewhere that I can test against?


Community Member

Can you tell me if this will be available on the community version of Canvas from


Community Champion

Piggybacking on @JimFoscue , would it also be in the free for teachers instance at ?


@audra_agnelly - that is going to come later, the auto-captioning piece will only refer to uploaded videos in Canvas. As a workaround, the easiest way to get youtube captions is downloading them separately instead of typing. There are many tools that worked like charm for me if you search for "download youtube captions" in google and those all provide you with an .srt file instantly just by adding the youtube link.

@rmartinez1 there is no feature list at the moment but it is a good idea to call out all the improvements we will be delivering at the time of release! 

@JimFoscue , @themidiman - at the moment, we are not planning the new player for the Free for Teachers Canvas variant.

Community Member

@AkosFarago I was asking about the community edition of Canvas hosted at

Will this be available in that version?



@JimFoscue that is a good question, we have not yet decided it, but I am going to let you know here once we get there!