Admin Analytics and New Analytics feature options will default ON in December

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Exciting times in analytics at Canvas! At the end of 2023, we’re going to default the Admin Analytics and New Analytics (which are course-level analytics) feature options to ON for all customers. 


Admin Analytics

We’ve received great feedback around Admin Analytics since our launch as a Feature Preview in March of this year. Those of you who have not turned this feature on have largely been holding back because it didn’t have a single permission that let you limit and specify access to the tool. 

Great news – a single permission for Admin Analytics is coming in the September 16th Canvas release!

Default ON December 2023

The Admin Analytics feature option will be defaulted ON in the December Canvas release. 

You will still be able to turn OFF the Admin Analytics feature option if the time isn’t right for you. The legacy account analytics page will also remain.

If you haven’t tried Admin Analytics out yet, you can test it in your beta environment. 

Remind me what Admin Analytics does again 

Three dashboards show you data related to Canvas usage at your institution (think breadth of Canvas usage), Canvas course success (think depth of Canvas usage), and student engagement. 

Admin Analytics gives you the power to drill into your data at a granular level and export reports. It will help you answer questions like: 

  • Which courses are published or unpublished this term?
  • Which courses are published but did not have activity this academic year?
  • Which courses are cross-listed, and where are they cross-listed?
  • Are there students enrolled in courses this term who have not had any activity in their courses? Which students?
  • Which Canvas features are widely used and which are not? 
  • For those migrating to New Quizzes: Which courses are using New Quizzes? Can I find a power user? 
  • Are there courses where student averages are low? What about student engagement?
  • How are students doing across their Canvas courses?

Learn more about Admin Analytics

If you want to know more about Admin Analytics, here are some helpful resources: 

Deprecation of Legacy Account Analytics June-July 2024

For now, you will see both Admin Analytics and Analytics in your Admin navigation menu. Next year, in the June - July timeframe, we will deprecate legacy account analytics. The Analytics API will still be available. 


New Analytics

New Analytics, also known as the updated version of course-level analytics, came out a few years ago. 

We’re excited to turn this feature ON for all users because:

  • When I talk with folks that aren’t using this yet, it’s most often because they didn’t know about it. 
  • This feature gives teachers richer data about what’s happening in their courses along with the ability to take action on that data. From viewing weekly student engagement with the course, to being able to Message Students Who fit various criteria, including grade or assignment status, teachers are able to better keep track of students who might need extra attention or support and follow up with them.

As a product team, we’re also looking forward to being able to switch focus from maintaining the legacy course analytics to making updates to New Analytics. 

Learn more about New Analytics

Default ON December 2023

The New Analytics feature option will be defaulted ON in the December Canvas release. 

You will still have the ability to turn off the New Analytics feature option, and if you do that, your teachers will continue to see legacy Course Analytics in their courses. 

Enforcement of New Analytics June-July 2024

In the June-July 2024 time frame, we will enforce the New Analytics feature option, and legacy course analytics will no longer be available. The Analytics API will still be available. 


The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @carlycurran,

From a course-level perspective, when "New Analytics" is fully-enforced, will analytics be available from primarily the same locations as it currently is; those locations being:

  1. left-side course navigation menu (when enabled via "Settings > Navigation")
  2. when in the "Home" area of the course, as a button on the right-side (or at the bottom if a smaller web browser window)
  3. when in the "People" area of the course, by either:
    • clicking on the name of a student, viewing the right-side context card, and then clicking on the "New Analytics" button
    • when someone has the appropriate permissions, clicking on the "three dots / Options" icon for an individual person and selecting "New Analytics" from the list of items

I am asking because:

  1. that is where "New Analytics" is currently found at the course-level when it has been enabled
  2. for any in-house developed resources, we do not want to have to re-create anything unless necessary

Two additional questions:

  1. When will "New" be taken away from the name?  When it is fully-enforced in the June-July 2024 timeframe?
  2. Will "New Analytics" continue to be an LTI (external tool) after it has been fully-enforced?

Thank you!

Community Contributor

How do I find this filter: 

  • Which courses are cross-listed, and where are they cross-listed?
Community Explorer

Good Morning,

We use Cengage's Mindtap product and in the past analytic version, we were able to see the student's activity via the analytic page for the 3rd party software.  In this new version, we no longer see this activity and we need it for attendance.  Is there a way to view the students' submission day and time in the new analytics?

I have received several complaints from the faculty about this option being removed. 

Community Champion

Data is refreshed for published courses in the New Analytics dashboard every 24 hours. Report data may be delayed by 24 hours; however, Course Activity Report data may be delayed by 40 hours. 

We are receiving reports from instructors that the Reports provided through New Analytics are often displaying information that is significantly older than 24 hours.  We have cases where it is not a course activity report and the delays are even more than 40hours. 

Are others seeing similar performance?