PowerSchool integration and admin change of lead teacher on a class

Community Member

Seeking advice on how to handle Canvas when the lead teacher on a class section in our PowerSchool SIS changes (for example when someone goes on medical leave and the class is taken by a long-term sub).

We have the OneRoster plug-in in PowerSchool handling the sync of our SIS data to Canvas, and use PowerSchool as our authoritative grade source, so all assignments and scores pass back to the PowerTeacher Pro gradebook.

How do we handle Canvas so the new teacher gains full access to the existing assignments and scores already entered for the class? 

I have reviewed the process for cross-listing, which Canvas seems to say is the only way this can be addressed; but it also seems to require that the new teacher have an existing target course to cross-list the first teacher's class to. We don't want to create a new class section in our SIS, and have to drop and re-enroll the students there. What's the best way to handle this?

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