Grades Won't Sync-Every Box Checked

Community Member

I noticed recently that some of my assignments/grades aren't syncing to my school's SIS. On the assignments, I have the box that is checked that says, "Include this assignment's grades when syncing to your school's Student Information System." I have the assignments into a category on my Canvas, and those categories are synced to my SIS categories. I have done the manual grade sync, the overnight sync, and the remaster grade sync, and the assignments still won't sync. Canvas also does not give me an error (as seen in the attachment titled "Canvas 1"). When I look at the assignments after the sync, the assignments I needed to be synced are unchecked (as seen in the attachment titled "Canvas 2.")

I am at a loss. I had our school's Canvas expert look and he is stumped too. Has this happened to anyone else? What do I do?



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