Canvas/Skyward - successful Canvas post does not appear in SIS gradebook

Community Contributor

I want to let others know of what I found today with one of our teachers using the Skyward gradebook integration.

The teacher tried several times to post grades to Skyward.  Each time she received the Success message in Canvas after posting, but the assignment and grades never showed in Skyward.

After looking at the obvious suspects, I got on the phone with Canvas support to request that they watch the transmission stream to identify what was happening.  It turns out an error message was being returned that never showed on the Canvas side.  The error message indicated a problem with the posting due to a deleted assignment or locked grading period.  Since I knew the grading period wasn't an issue, I looked into the deleted assignment angle.  Turns out, the teacher had deleted the assignments in Skyward, and then attempted to repost from Canvas.  Once I restored the deleted assignments (EAP Secondary Gradebook > Display Options > Restore Deleted Assignments), the grades came through with no problem.

As I never would have known or thought to check deleted assignments in Skyward without getting the transmission log results, I thought others might like to know about this. 

It would be helpful in these situations if some indication of an error message being returned from Skyward would show on the Canvas side.