How do I properly name my Canvas assignment groups for Qmlativ grade passback?
As an instructor, your institution may have integrated the Qmlativ Student Information System (SIS) and Canvas to communicate enrollment and user data and to allow for grade passback (GPB) from Canvas to Qmlativ.
Before syncing grades with GPB, you must ensure that your Canvas assignment group names match the categories in your Qmlativ gradebook. For example, if your Qmlativ gradebook has categories named Homework, Tests, Participation, and Written Response, your Canvas assignment groups must have the same names.
Note: If a sync-to-SIS assignment is added to a Canvas assignment group that does not match a Qmlativ grading category, the assignment will be created in a default SIS category designated by your SIS admin. Once added to the Qmlativ gradebook, you must re-categorize the assignment in the correct grading category. However, if you do not move the assignment to another assignment group in Canvas, Qmlativ will continue to re-create the assignment in the default category each time you sync your gradebook.
Open Assignments

In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link.
Create Assignment Group

Click the Add Group button.
Name Assignment Group

Your Canvas assignment group names must match the category names in your Qmlativ gradebook. Enter the Qmlativ gradebook category name in the Group Name field [1].
When finished, click the Save button [2].
View Assignment Groups

View your assignment groups on the Assignments Index page.
Learn how to create assignment shells and add assignments to your assignment groups.
Manage Assignment Group

To manage an assignment group, click the assignment group Options icon [1].
You can edit [2] or delete [3] the assignment group. You can also move assignment group contents [4] or reorder the assignment group on the Assignments Index page [5].