How do I view my institution's Canvas Q-SIS integration grade sync history?
If your institution has configured grade passback from Canvas to your SIS, you can view grade sync history in the SIS Integration page. When an account-level grade sync runs, any course included in the grade sync is added as an individual line item in the grade sync history list. This allows you to view and manage grade sync details without having to locate the impacted courses on your own.
The Grade Sync list displays all completed, failed, and in-progress grade sync jobs, including scheduled syncs and syncs run by instructors. If a grade sync imports with errors, you can view details to identify the error. You can also download the grade sync history list as a CSV file.
Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].
Open SIS Integration

In the Account Navigation menu, click the SIS Integration link.
Open Grade Sync

In the SIS Integration page, click the Grade Sync tab.
View Grade Sync
You can view your institution's grade sync schedule(s) in the Schedules section [1].
You can also view recent grade sync history in the Grade Sync section [2].
View Grade Sync History

Grade Sync history displays a paginated list of all recent grade syncs.
To filter the grade sync history by sync status, click the Sync Type drop-down menu [1]. You can filter the list to display All, Completed, or Failed syncs [2].
Note: Successful grade syncs display for up to seven days and failed grade syncs display for up to fourteen days.
View Sync History List

The Grade Sync list displays a line item for each course included in a scheduled account-level grade sync. You can view the following information for each listed sync:
- Type [1]: the sync type and the course ID for the course associated with the sync.
- Time Started [2]: the date and time when the sync started. The displayed time follows the account's specified time zone setting.
- Time Updated [3]: the date and time when the sync completed. The displayed time follows the account's specified time zone setting.
- Posted By [4]: the name of the user who initiated the sync; scheduled syncs are posted by your institution's Canvas Integrations Admin, and manual syncs display the name of the admin or instructor who requested the sync.
- Stage [5]: for syncs that are in-process, the sync's current process step. Process steps include Get Assignments and Post Assignments.
- SIS Assignments [6]: the number of assignments sent to and created in the SIS gradebook, and the percent of assignments successfully created in the SIS gradebook.
- SIS Grades [7]: the number of grades sent to and created in the SIS gradebook, and the percent of grades successfully added in the SIS gradebook.
- Status [8]: the grade sync status. A status may be listed as Completed, Completed (with errors), Failed, and Running.
To view the course associated with a sync, click the Course ID link [9]. Your browser will navigate to display the course home page.
To view sync error details, click one of the SIS grade sync history links [10].
Download Grade Sync History

To download the grade sync history as a CSV file, click the Download button.
Refresh Grade Sync History

To refresh the grade sync list, click the Refresh button.