How do I use a grade sync details page as an instructor?
As an instructor, you can view details about grade syncs from Canvas to ProgressBook in the Grade Sync page. From the grade sync history list, you can open sync details for any sync in the sync history list.
Grade sync details include information about the overall success of a sync, the amount of data extracted and filtered from Canvas, and information about affected sections, assignments, and grades. You can also download sync logs with additional information.
View Sync Details
At the top of every grade sync details page, the sync information displays. You can view the sync type [1], the Canvas course ID [2], the user who posted the sync [3], and the job ID number [4].
To return to the Grade Sync page, click the Back to all Grade Jobs button [5].
To refresh the details page for an in-process sync, click the Refresh button [6].
View Grade Sync Overview
A summary of the data sync displays in the Overview tab [1]. A summary of all data synced from Canvas to your SIS displays in the Filtered Canvas Data section [2].
You can also view an Assignments Sync graph [3] and a Grades Sync graph [4].
View Warnings and Errors

To view or download warnings or errors generated by assignment or grade syncs, click the Warnings & Errors tab [1].
View Warning or Error Details

View the type of warning or error [1].
View the warning or error message [2].
View the stage in which the warning or error occurred [3].
View the number of warning or error types [4].
Download Warning or Error Logs

To download a CSV file containing additional details, click the Logs button.
The CSV file includes information such as assignment or student IDs, assignment or student names, section IDs, and SIS error codes.
View Filtered Canvas Data

The first step of every grade sync extracts and filters Canvas data. To view statistics for the number of extracted and filtered items, click the Filtered Canvas Data tab [1].
Filtered Canvas Data displays the number of extracted data items for three categories:
- Sections [2]: the number of Canvas course sections included in the sync.
- Assignments [3]: the number of unique assignments included in the sync.
- Grades [4]: the number of unique assignment scores included in the sync.
View Assignments Sync Data
To view sync details for the assignments included in the sync, click the Assignments Sync tab [1].
View the number of assignments that updated and failed in the Assignments Sync graph [2].
View details about each updated item in the Assignments Log [3].
View Assignments Log
The Assignments Log displays a list of all assignments included in the sync [1].
For each assignment, you can view the course section [2], and the number of grade submissions included with the assignment sync [3], the sync status [4], and the log availability [5].
To view an assignment in the list, click the Assignment Name link [6]. A new browser window opens to the assignment's details page in the course.
To view the details for each submission in the assignment, click the Submission Count link [7]. The browser redirects to display the Grades Sync tab and a filtered Grades Log.
To download the displayed assignment log as a CSV file, click the Download Logs button [8]. Log downloads include information about the Canvas assignment ID, the assignment SIS ID, the Canvas section ID, and the sync status code.
Sort Assignments Log
You can sort the Assignments Log to display list items in ascending or descending order by column header.
To sort the list in ascending order, click the column header [1]. An Ascending Sort icon displays [2].
To sort the list in descending order, click the column header twice [3]. A Descending Sort icon displays [4].
Note: You can only sort the list by one column at a time.
Filter Assignments Log
To filter the log to display a specific assignment or assignments in a specific section, click the Assignment/Section Name drop-down menu [1]. A list of all assignments included in the sync display in the Assignment Name section [2]. A list of all sections included in the sync display in the Section Name section [3]. Click to select a filter option. You can select multiple options.
To remove an Assignment/Section Name filter, click the filter Remove icon [4].
To filter the log to display assignments by sync status or log availability, click the Filter drop-down menu [5]. Select an update status option in the Status section [6]. Select a log availability option in the Logs section [7].
View Grades Sync Details
To view sync details for the grades included in the sync, click the Grades Sync tab [1].
Grades Sync displays the Grades Sync table [2]. You can view the number of grades that successfully updated in your SIS as well as the number of grades that failed to update.
View details about each updated item in the Grades Log [3].
View Grades Log
The Grades Log displays each assignment name [1], course section [2], and student with an assignment grade included in the sync [3]. The list also includes submitted grade [4], the update status [5], and the log availability [6].
The list displays up to ten items per page. To view additional items, use the Page Navigation buttons [7].
To download the displayed grades log as a CSV file, click the Download Logs button [8]. Grade log downloads include information about the Canvas assignment ID, the assignment SIS ID, the submitted score, the Canvas section ID, the SIS section ID, and the student Canvas ID.
Sort Grades Log
You can sort the Grades Log to display list items in ascending or descending order by column header.
To sort the list in ascending order, click the column header [1]. An Ascending Sort icon displays [2].
To sort the list in descending order, click the column header twice [3]. A Descending Sort icon displays [4].
Note: You can only sort the list by one column at a time.
Filter Grades Log
To filter the Grades log to display a specific assignment, section, or student data, you can use the Assignment/Section/Student Name drop-down menu options [1]. Alternatively, you can click an Assignment [2], Section [3], or Student Name link [4] to filter the list.
To remove an Assignment/Section/Student Name filter, click the filter Remove icon [5].
To filter the log to display assignments by sync status or log availability, click the Filter drop-down menu [6].