How do I view Canvas PowerSchool roster job sync details?
As an admin, you can view details about your institution's scheduled rostering job history syncs. The Rostering Job Details page includes the name of the sync, links to any associated JSON files, and a job identification number.
You can also view information about the progress of each step in a rostering job sync. In the event that a rostering job fails, you can identify the step and view details about the data where the failure occurred.
Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].
Open SIS Integration

In the Account Navigation menu, click the SIS Integration link.
Open Rostering Job Details
Locate the job in the Rostering Jobs list [1].
In the Status column, click the Job Status Details link [2].
View Rostering Job Details
The Rostering Job Details page includes the scheduled sync name and associated JSON file links [1], the name of the admin that ran the sync [2], and the rostering job ID number [3].
To return to the SIS Imports Rostering page, click the Back to all Rostering Jobs button [4]. To refresh the details page, click the Refresh button [5].
View job progress details in the Progress section [6].
View job details in the Details tabs [7].
View Sync Progress Steps
The Job Details page displays the rostering sync steps. To view an explanation for each step, hover over the Information icon [1].
Rostering jobs include the following steps:
- Roster Extract Progress [2]: sync data is extracted from the source. The sync configuration determines the data pulled from your SIS for update or add in Canvas. To view details about the extracted data, view the Extract Details tab [3].
- Data Conversion Progress [4]: extracted data is converted from its original format into Canvas format. If your institution's SIS integration leverages SFTP CSV file uploads, the data is already configured in Canvas format and a sync may skip this step. To view details about the converted data, open the Conversion Details tab [5].
- Canvas Imports Progress [6]: SIS rostering data is added or updated in Canvas. Your sync configurations determine the number of import batches associated with each rostering job sync. If the sync configuration includes multiple SIS imports, a completed status displays when all imports successfully complete. To view details about individual import batches, open the Import Details tabs [7].
View Extract Details
View information about the rostering job's extracted data in the Extract Details tab [1]. By default, the Rostering Job Details page displays the Extract Details tab.
The Extract Details tab displays the following information:
- Extract Counts table [2]: a list of the extracted data types and the number of each data item extracted.
- Extract Timing table [3]: details about the time, status, and duration of completed, current, and pending syncs. To download the JSON file for a completed sync, click the Download button [4].
- Extract Configuration field [5]: the rostering job configuration settings.
To view information about the data displayed in each section, hover over the Information icon [6].
View Conversion Details
View details about the number of converted data in the Conversion Details tab [1].
The Conversion Details tab displays the following information:
- Conversion Counts table [2]: a list of the extracted data types, the number of extracted data, and the number of data converted for Canvas import.
- Conversion Timing table [3]: details about the time, status, and duration of completed, current, and pending syncs. To download the JSON file for a completed sync, click the Download button [4].
- Mapping Templates field [5]: a list of mapping templates applied for the data conversion.
To view information about the data displayed in each section, hover over the Information icon [6].
View Import Details
View details about the SIS rostering data added or updated in Canvas in the Import Details tabs [1].
The Import Details tabs display the following information:
- Import Counts table [2]: a list of the imported data types, including the number of created, restored, and deleted data.
- Import Timing table [3]: details about the time, status, and duration of completed, current, and pending syncs.
- Import Configuration field [4]: a list of diffing parameters applied for the data import.
To view information about the data displayed in each section, hover over the Information icon [5].
View Rostering Job Progress
During a sync, the current step displays a percent complete. When a progress step finishes processing, the section displays a Complete label [1]. Skipped steps or steps that have not begun display no data [2]. If a progress step cannot complete, it displays a Failed at n% label [3].
Note: Canvas queries SIS import progress in 5 minute intervals. Small rostering syncs may actually import into Canvas before the progress data updates in the Job Details page.