Sharing Stimulus Quiz with Another Teacher in My District

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I am an instructional coach. I create ACT material for my teachers and share it with them. Recently, I created a stimulus quiz in new quizzes. The passage is on the left and the questions on the right. On my account, it previews correctly. When I share it with the teacher, it does not come up as a stimulus quiz. It just has the questions. Is there something specific I have to do to share it so it will come up correctly for the teacher?


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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hey @DrTraciJohnson!

New Quizzes can sometimes act a little differently than expected.  However, when I export the New Quiz as a QTI file and import it into a new course, I seem to always have the expected results.  Try the following guides for exporting and importing the New Quiz that contains a stimulus and questions.  Every time I have tried this method, the questions stayed connected to the Stimulus.

How do I export a New Quiz from a course? 

How do I import a quiz from a QTI package in New Quizzes? 

Hope this helps to solve your issue.  Good luck!

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