Save default settings for New Quizzes

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I love the fact that there are many Settings options when you create a New Quiz.  Unfortunately, you have to set all of the settings from scratch when you create a New Quiz.   Am I missing something?  If not, I would like to request that Canvas consider adding the ability to save default New Quiz settings.  

I thought of a workaround, but it won't work for me.   If I made a blank quiz with the appropriate settings, I could just use that as a template for all other quizzes.  However, I am going to be making my quizzes using Examview and then importing them into Canvas.  And I can only figure out how to import Examview quizzes as Classic quizzes.  So, to make them into a New Quiz, I'll have to Migrate each imported Classic Quiz.   So, I won't be able to use a New Quiz template.

Anyway, it would be nice if there was a way to save default settings for New Quizzes.  

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @mrwnphs2 

I think it would be a great idea to have the option to have specific settings defaulted in New Quizzes or for the system to remember the last settings you chose.

Please submit an idea, and when voting becomes available, we can vote on it so that this feature can be added to New Quizzes.

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