New Quizzes and Extra Credit

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Instructors often want to use quizzes to give extra credit. This is possible in classic quizzes but is labor intensive in setup and grading. In new quizzes it seems to easy to setup by setting the point value for the quiz at zero and zero points for the questions added to the quiz; however, when it comes to grading the updated point value does not sync with the gradebook. This is going to be a big issue. Any I missing a step? Is this on roadmap radar? 

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

One way to get the grades to sync to the gradebook as extra credit with New Quizzes is to have the Total Points for the quiz to be set to the maximum number of points you want students to be able to earn from the quiz (not zero) until all of the submissions for the quiz have been graded.  Once the submissions are graded, edit the total points for the assignment to make it zero and the original scores will be retained in the gradebook but function as extra credit.  Editing the Total Points on the assignment doesn't trigger a regrade of the quiz submissions, so as long as the grading is complete this should provide the desired result.

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