New Quizzes - Lag/unresponsiveness when building/editing/creating a quiz

Community Member

Struggling with the amount of lag and unresponsiveness experienced when in the "Build" function of New Quizzes. Simple actions such as scrolling the page, clicking inside a question or answer box, editing text inside said boxes, and saving the edits are causing the page to become unresponsive, at times to the point where an error message appears ("Page Unresponsive" in Google Chrome). We wait up to 5 seconds between keystrokes for the page to catch up with our actions.


This is highly frustrating, given that build mode is for building the exam, which it seemingly cannot handle. This issue does not occur in Classic Quizzes, which we have continued to use due to the time wasted tackling quiz creation with New Quizzes. I am surprised to find only one other post in the community regarding this, so perhaps this is an issue on our end. Either way, some insight or troubleshooting assistance would be welcomed. We are eager to use New Quizzes as the formatting options available would greatly benefit our students, but we can't currently.