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Thanks to your help with New Analytics feedback, we are excited to release our new feature.

Instructure Instructure
New Analytics Users
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In 2019 we introduced New Analytics to replace and improve upon the course- and user-analytics offering in Canvas. We did so because we saw an opportunity to make an update to a valuable product to provide expanded and more accurate information. Sinc...

Community Novice
New Analytics Users
  • 4 Replies

We will continue to iterate on improvements to course-level analytics. In the meantime, we've created a guide of the differences. 

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
New Analytics Users
  • 38 Replies

There was a glitch in the matrix. We discovered a problem that affected the accuracy of your data. To ensure that data numbers are what they should be, we are updating the data source for both New Analytics and Canvas Data's request table.

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
New Analytics Users
  • 12 Replies

Our commitment to improving our Canvas analytics offering starts with the New Analytics release. This release focuses on interactive views for analytics within the course, as well as, the student view for a given course.

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
New Analytics Users
  • 3 Replies

Hi everyone! Thanks so much for your feedback and patience as we roll out our latest version of course analytics. We hear you and want to make this transition as smooth as possible for your institution. 

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
New Analytics Users
  • 2 Replies

Thanks for the continued questions and feedback. The team has been heads down this winter working on the second of three views for the new Course Analytics, and we are just about ready for you to try it out and let us know what you think.

Instructure Instructure
New Analytics Users
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Thank you for trying out Analytics Beta, joining the community, and providing feedback. Open Beta is the place where we can kick the tires of new features, and make adjustments before general availability. To that end, we'd love some help with with a...

Instructure Instructure
New Analytics Users
  • 0 Replies

My name is Kevin Turco, the new Product Manager of Canvas Analytics, and will be updating the community as we continue work on the new Canvas Analytics.

Instructure Instructure
New Analytics Users
  • 0 Replies

Canvas beta resets every Monday. Until we launch to production later this month our engineering team must re-enable Analytics Beta for all beta accounts. If you have already dragged Analytics Beta to be visible in Course Navigation, you won’t have to...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
New Analytics Users
  • 0 Replies