Why "Mental Health Matters" Should Be More Than Just a Hashtag


Jenna Ashley (@JenniferAshley) | Dedicated Instructional Designer | Orange County Department of Education

Lora Miller (@LoraMiller) | Dedicated Instructional Designer | Utah State Board of Education

Jackie Stoss (@JackieStoss)  | Dedicated Instructional Designer


Why is Mental Health in Our Youth So Important?

In today's world, it's impossible to ignore the growing mental health challenges facing our youth. From the pressures of social media to academic stress and beyond, students are grappling with unprecedented levels of anxiety, depression, and social-emotional difficulties. As educators and administrators, we have a responsibility to not only acknowledge this reality but to actively address it. Prioritizing mental health in our schools is crucial, not just for academic success, but for the overall well-being and development of every student.

Simply put, mental health is the foundation for learning and growth. Students struggling with mental health challenges often find it difficult to focus, engage in class, and build positive relationships. This can lead to lower academic performance, increased absenteeism, and even behavioral issues. Moreover, mental health significantly impacts a student's self-esteem, their ability to cope with stress, and their overall quality of life. By prioritizing mental health, we create a supportive environment where students feel safe, valued, and empowered to reach their full potential. We equip them with the tools they need to not only succeed academically, but to develop into resilient, well-rounded individuals.

PRO TIP: Frequently discuss the importance of mental health with students, reinforcing that it is a safe subject to talk about. The more we normalize these conversations, the more comfortable students will feel discussing their mental well-being with you.


What are We at Instructure Doing About It? 

We recognize the critical need for accessible and effective mental health resources for students. That's why we're excited to introduce Canvas C.A.R.E.S. (Confidence, Adaptability, Relationship Skills, Empathy, Sound Decisions) – a FREE course available in Canvas Commons designed to equip students with essential life skills. This isn't just about academic success; it's about empowering students with the skills they need to navigate the complexities of life, build healthy relationships, make responsible decisions, and ultimately, become productive and happy citizens. We believe that by investing in students' mental well-being, we are investing in a brighter future for everyone.

Let’s Break it Down: Inside Canvas C.A.R.E.S.

This interactive course is divided into five modules, each focusing on one of the core areas of mental health: Confidence, Adaptability, Relationship Skills, Empathy, and Sound Decision-Making. Within each module, students will have the opportunity to:

  • Reflect: Think about their current understanding and experience with the skill.
  • Learn: Explore key concepts and strategies related to the mental health skill.
  • Discuss: Engage in thought-provoking discussions and activities, analyzing different scenarios.
  • Grow: Identify areas for personal growth and develop action plans.

Canvas C.A.R.E.S BannerCanvas C.A.R.E.S Banner

Here is a closer look at each module: 

  • Confidence (Self Awareness): Imagine standing in front of a crowd, feeling completely at ease with who you are, or tackling a new challenge without doubting yourself. That’s the power of confidence! This module guides students to understand their strengths, practice positive self-talk, and develop a growth mindset. They learn to identify their emotions, understand their impact, and develop healthy coping mechanisms. By the end of this module, students will be able to identify examples of positive self-talk, explain confidence-building strategies, and demonstrate the use of positive self-talk in challenging situations.

  • Adaptability (Self Regulation): In this module, students dive into a skill that will help them navigate life’s inevitable changes: Adaptability. This module focuses on developing coping mechanisms, managing stress, and bouncing back from setbacks. Students learn techniques for emotional regulation, stress management, and resilience. By the end of this module, students will be able to explain the importance of adaptability, identify behaviors and mindsets that increase adaptability, and apply practical strategies to become more adaptable.

  • Relationship Skills: Relationship skills involve navigating friendships and family dynamics with ease and grace. This module equips students with essential tools and techniques for fostering healthy relationships, from mastering the art of conversation and empathy to setting healthy boundaries. By the end of this module, students will be able to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts constructively, build meaningful connections, use social media safely and responsibly, and appreciate the importance of face-to-face interactions.

  • Empathy (Social Awareness): Empathy is being able to truly understand what someone else is going through. This module explores what empathy is, why it's important, and how students can develop their own empathy skills. Students learn to recognize and respond to the emotions and needs of others, promoting inclusivity and respect. By the end of this module, students will be able to define empathy, recognize and understand the emotions of others, see situations from different perspectives, practice empathy in daily interactions, and use empathy to build stronger relationships and resolve conflicts peacefully.

  • Sound Decisions (Responsible Decision Making): Have you ever faced a tough decision and wondered if you were making the right call? This module explores how to make thoughtful decisions that align with goals and values. Students learn how to make responsible choices, evaluate consequences, and problem-solve effectively. This module emphasizes critical thinking, ethical decision-making, and considering the impact of choices on themselves and others. By the end of this module, students will be able to apply critical thinking to make informed decisions, use consequential thinking to anticipate outcomes, and make decisions that align with their values.
PRO TIP: Consider making the module topic a theme for the month. Reference the module and the scenarios given as they fit into classroom discussions. Use these themes to direct conversations several times throughout the month. For example, during "Empathy Month," highlight scenarios from the module and encourage students to share their perspectives and practice active listening.


Final Thoughts

Canvas C.A.R.E.S. provides a valuable framework for integrating mental health education into your curriculum. Whether you use it as a standalone course, incorporate modules into existing classes, or adapt the content for advisory sessions, this resource empowers students with the skills they need to navigate challenges and thrive. Access Canvas C.A.R.E.S. in Canvas Commons today!

Canvas C.A.R.E.S. Course

Canvas C.A.R.E.S. Module


Please comment below. We’d love to hear from you!

Our Design and Curriculum teams offer a variety of services, including course templates, consultation hours, badging and certificate services, course reviews and evaluations, instructional workshops, course authoring, content reconstruction, and much more! If you would like to learn more about our services, please contact your CSM or a Learning Services Manager (Miranda McIntosh at mmcintosh@instructure.com or Lizzy Rodriguez at elizabeth.rodriguez@instructure.com). Please comment below. We’d love to hear from you!

Thank you @LoraMiller @JackieStoss and @JenniferAshley for bringing this important set of modules forward!  As the proud canvas parent of two university students, I know how important this material is and the difference it can make.   I can't wait to go through it myself and look forward to hearing feedback from our community!

Community Explorer

HI there

We'd love to have a look and use with our SEMH students - but I can't find Canvas Cares in my Commons library? Is it available to users in EMEA?

Eileen 🐼

Community Participant

Thank you for this! Mental health is something near and dear to my heart. I feel that things like emotional intelligence and strong mental health solutions should be taught to everyone from day one of school, so much so that positive habits are instinctual and reactive rather than things only sought after once there's been a devastating event. I am a strong believer that it is the lack of such skills that has created a majority of society's issues today. I applaud Instructure for this step in educating our youth about this and providing the mental toolbox they can use to deal with life's issues.



We're so glad that you want to use the course! We are currently working on a way to make it available in EMEA (and other regions), and will let you know as soon as it's ready!



Thank you for taking the time to share that! Mental health is definitely something Instructure wants to continue to highlight, but it's also a passion for so many Instructure employees on a personal level, too. 

I wish I had access to more mental health resources when I was in school as a child. There's so much value in being prepared for all of life's ups and downs, and having the mental tools to navigate whatever is thrown at us. And for teachers, I hope that having this course content available will ease the burdens of bringing mental health conversations into the classroom.

And mental health is more than being prepared for difficult events - empathy and inclusion should be taught, promoted, and celebrated.

Community Participant


Yeah, I agree the it is more than being prepared--the empathy part is inclusive of the emotional intelligence, but maybe I should have mentioned it specifically, since most people get too caught up in their own world and forget to identify with everyone around them. In so many ways, we "other" everyone else and spend far too little time trying to see the interconnected nature of us all. Empathy is an early step towards that.

I also wish I had access to any mental health resources as a child. I grew up during that "suck it up" age, where psychologists were "quacks" and the science was still considered pretty illegitimate. 

Again, thank you for bringing this to everyone.

Community Member

I totally agree that it should be more than just a hashtag