Adding a Classic Quiz to Mastery Connect

Community Member

I see that Classic Quizzes can be added to Mastery Connect, but....

My question is:

  • Is there a way for Content Designers, who are not linked to SIS rostered course (in districts with paid license to MC) to able to import Classic Quizzes into Mastery Connect (MC)?
    • Exploring this I tried the following without any luck....
      • Tried importing a classic quiz from a course I previously taught (SiS rostered)- Not happenin'
      • Tried adding myself as a teacher in live course of a teacher who is SIS rostered- Not happenin'

Is there something I missed, or due to Trackers, only teachers who themselves are SIS linked to a course can add a classic quiz to MC?

  • If this is the case I would think that it would be beneficial for Division Content Designers to have the ability to add classic quizzes to MC in order to potentially address any questions/issues before teachers have a try at it.  OR  For Division Content Specialists who have premade (or paid for others to create) assessments/benchmarks to be able to import them into MC, without having to PAINSTAKINGLY recreate them in MC for the teachers in the division.