Course Migration from Etudes - Module Will not All Load At Once and Loaded Separate Replace One Another

Community Novice

Hi All!

I have successfully migrated materials from Etudes with exception of the modules.  It seems the entire modules file will not successfully migrate.  When I upload it it in pieces, one section loads in but then the next then replaces the first load, so I can't seem to get them all to load in and stay in place.  I went through to make sure all the links in the modules were working properly. They seemed to be fine.

Anyone have suggestions regarding how to get modules to load in properly? I would love to not have to recreate every unit in each module!

Thanks for reading!


Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello  @zanderc ​...

I don't have any experience with Etudes, but I wanted to let you know that I will share your question with the Migrations and Integrations​ and Etudes Migration Tool Users​ groups here in the Canvas Community.  Hopefully your question will get some more exposure and someone will be able to help answer your question.

Community Novice

I am having the same issue! The "upload" just sits there and never goes through, eventually leading to this error: "Unable to upload file, server error please try again."

Is there a file size limit?

Community Novice

Thank you Chris!


Community Novice

Hi everyone-

I just want to share a possible "fix" that our Distance Education Coordinator just used to get my modules migrated. It is a bit roundabout but certainly gets the module content in without having to completely do it by hand. Hopefully Canvas comes up with a more simple solution but I am grateful that our DE Coordinator was able to get my modules to upload by doing the following:

1. Export module contents in groups of 4-5 from source site.

2. Use Content Migration tool to upload one module group to a new canvas site (not your "real site"). Each module group should get its own canvas site (you might end up with a lot of different sites but that is okay). Numbering them into some organizational system is a good idea. Again, these sites are just placeholders.

3. Once the migration request is completed, go into each faux course site and Export it into an .imscc file (the default).

4. Then, in your real site, import each .imscc file one at a time. They did not overwrite each other but just complied on to the existing modules.

Whew. Again, I did not figure this out but am grateful someone was able to help! My sites are content heavy and redoing them by hand would take ages.

Hope this works for anyone else struggling to get the modules to migrate.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi there,  @zanderc !

I wanted to follow up on your question and see how things were going. Were you able to come to a solution? Did the fix that  @jlvaughn  provide help? Or are you still seeking assistance? Because this question is from over one year ago, I'm going to go ahead and mark it as "Assumed Answered." Don't worry, this won't prevent people from continuing the dialogue in the event the discussion needs to continue Smiley Happy