Blackboard Organizations = Canvas ______ ?

Community Contributor

Hi all,

I could't tell if this was asked here already, but please forgive any redundancy.  In Blackboard, we have a wide use of Organizations (Basically shells which are not associated with courses or enrollments in the SIS). These are used for study groups, video repositories, faculty groups, clubs, etc.

So the question is, what have you found to be the Canvas equivalent to these? Is it simply a matter of creating a course that's moderated by someone with a teacher role?



Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi  @benjamin_rodrig ...

Check out my blog post here: Campus Clubs and Groups.  I'll also mention that's we've moved away from using account level groups as explained in my blog post and given these groups a regular course shell because it has more features than a group shell would have.  It also allows for self-enrollment...which takes the manual enrollment of people in these groups off of our hands...because now the group leaders can send out a URL invite.  Works pretty slick!

Community Contributor

Thanks, Chris! This is exactly what I was looking for.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Great to hear,  @benjamin_rodrig !  Feel free to post any questions to my blog post, and I'll be sure to reply.  Thanks!

Community Contributor

Hi  @Chris_Hofer ,

I've had some more time to experiment with groups further. I't looks like even non-leaders in a (sub-account) group can add content. Sub-account groups seem to act like a place where any member can collaborate equally. Does that sound about right?

Community Coach
Community Coach

I believe that is correct,  @benjamin_rodrig .  However, I am not 100% sure because we do not utilize sub-accounts in our Canvas instance at MPTC.  Maybe someone else who knows for sure will be able to chime in.

Community Contributor

Thanks  @Chris_Hofer , I am liking the idea more and more of using manually created courses to take on that organization role as you mentioned earlier.

The librarians from our med school want students to have easy access to library resources from any med school course in Canvas.

I think we can...

  • Manually create a "library course" that's visible to the institution.
  • Place a self enroll link on that "library course's" home page to allow students to opt into receiving updates and utilizing conversations with the librarians.
  • Then place a link to that "library course" in the appropriate med school courses to give the students easy access to it. 

Do you think that sounds workable?


Community Coach
Community Coach

Yeah...that sounds like a workable solution to me!  You might want to test things out in a sample "sandbox" course, and then once you are able to confirm that everything is working the way you want...create the actual course shell that will be used with students in it.  Good luck!

Community Explorer

Hi Benjamin, did you ever get around to testing/deploying manual courses to be used as resource centres?