BB Course Clean Up Instructions Prior to Canvas Migration?

Community Novice

Hi All,

Our university, Tarleton State U in Texas, is moving to Canvas from BB in Fall 2019.  I'm looking for any resources anyone might have concerning what you should tell faculty (instructions) on cleaning up BB files prior to a migration into Canvas.

We are emphasizing a 'fresh start' option, but well, most faculty will just say move my courses thinking there will be no issues.

Thanks in advance!

Doug Hanna
Tarleton State University
Stephenville, TX

Community Participant

Hi Doug,

For what it's worth, I can tell you what we did when we moved from Bb to Canvas last May 2018. We chose to have faculty move their own content over to Canvas. We let them know they could move everything, somethings, or nothing. They could copy and paste stuff from Bb to Canvas, but we put the responsibility on them. We did provide tips such as not importing wikis, blogs, etc. We did make ourselves available for help and we offered training sessions, workshops, and drop in hours for help in a lab. The one big benefit by doing it this way was by making it their responsibility. I think it helped get many of the faculty to analyze what they absolutely needed. Many of the faculty said it was the push they needed to really clean up their courses. It was something they wanted to do, but kept putting off. This kept them from putting it off any longer.

Community Champion

Hi  @hanna1  !

Welcome to Canvas!

We migrated way back in the Golden Age of Canvas - okay, a bit more than 6 years ago, but it seems more like 60 incarnations ago.

Anyways, there are some clear migration strategies and practices that will make everybody's life easier, and there is actually a focus group in this Community where they have been collected and where you can engage in ongoing discussions and ask specific question.  Check it out at LMS Migration Strategies 

I hope you find this useful!
