An Unofficial Guide for Your Educational Expedition Through the Ed-Cosystem

Community Contributor



Hello fellow thrill-seekers and ed-venturers! I hope you are making all of your necessary plans for a exceptional educational expedition through the ed-cosystem. While many of us will stay connected through the amazing conference app (now available for Android or at the App Store), some may decide they want to be off-the-grid. If that is you or if you just like having a backup plan handy, look no further!

Over the years, I have been know to make a handy printable schedule that seemed to be very popular. I figured there may still be a few relics like myself that like the paper for planning out their ed-venture in Vegas. So with out further ado, I present the unofficial InstuctureCon 2024 Expedition Guides.

Unofficial InstructureCon 2024 Session Guide 

Unofficial InstructureCon 2024 Agenda Planner  


*Please note, that there may be changes that I miss. I plan to try to update session guide before I fly out on Monday morning (6/82024). Please use the app for the most up-to-date information.