
Community Contributor
UAB SON Director of Instructional Technology
Apr 17, 2015 4:29:10 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Currently multiple answer questions give a partial score if students do not choose all the correct answers. Please add a feature that allows faculty to set multiple answer questions to give an all or ...
Likes: 231
Ladies and gentlemen; boys and girls, step right up and let's see who is the funniest clown in the #InstructureCarn!As some may or may not know there was once a live forum, and in that forum was a...
Likes: 67
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls; step right up and get ready for the greatest educational conference on Earth!Last year I made a handy printable schedule that seemed to be very popular. I figured...
Likes: 23
Dudes, dudettes and all those that are a bit retro while in the EdTech world..., I would like to present the 2019 Unofficial InstructureCon EduSurf Schedule! I have been working hard to bring together...
Likes: 20
Agents -In a recent briefing attention was drawn to a need for those agents that may be further to the right of the Type A scale. The upcoming mission does seem to be daunting, but with the help of th...
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Most Recent Posts

Thank you @jsailor !! Both the extension and the full set of questions for the form is extremely helpful. 
Mar 20, 2025 18:13 PM
@dbrace The original post mentioned contacting support. I directed my faculty to call and report the issue since I have not been able to replicate it myself. I have not heard back from them at thi...
Dec 04, 2024 19:41 PM
I just received a similar report (copied below) from a faculty member. "Recently I have been getting error messages when trying to send email to my NUR 743 students via Canvas. The message does no...
Dec 04, 2024 10:12 AM
My team is growing and I have two openings that I am looking to fill: 1. Instructional Design Specialist 2. Sr. Instructional Design Specialist If you are interested or know someone that might be, ple...
Dec 03, 2024 12:56 PM
My team is hiring for a Sr. Instructional Designer. If you are interested or know someone that might be point them to our UAB Careers Site: INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN SPECIALIST SENIOR (direct link). Or the...
Oct 19, 2024 13:37 PM

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