Roll; it's your turn. Game Night 2018!


Two of my favorite things: Instructurecon and boardgames.

When I was a kid, my cousins from New Hampshire came down to Massachusetts for Thanksgiving and would stay over at my parents’ house with us for the long weekend to hang out with me and my brother. We’d stay up all night eating leftovers and playing board games. We spread out across the kitchen and dining room for cutthroat Monopoly marathons, painfully aggressive Parcheesi tournaments, and brutal Backgammon duels that are still talked about now, decades later.

Today, myself and a fluctuating group of friends dating back to high school, get together for boardgames following Thanksgiving day activities. The list of games has changed tremendously; instead of Monopoly we play Splendor; instead of Parcheesi, it’s Settlers of Catan; and two-player Backgammon has made way for group strategy games like Pandemic, Wits n’ Wagers, and Mysterium. 

When I started working at Instructure, I was thrilled to find a community of gamers among employees and customers. A "game night" seemed like a natural fit for Instructurecon, so the idea was pitched, accepted and, since the launch of Game Night at Instcon ’15, it has become an annual favorite. 

About Game Night

Location: Castle Peak I-IV, Conference Center (Second Floor)  
Date: Tuesday, July 24th, 2018 
Time: 8 - 11 PM (MT) 
Providing: Healthy snacks + cash bar
2nd floor, Conf Center

Not sure what to expect? View these blog posts, reviews and comments from fellow Instcon Game Night participants:

Kicking off Game Night 2017
Game Night 2017 at Warren Station in River Run Village. Photo by post author. 

Games people play 

7 Wonders
Carcassonne: South Seas
Dixit Board Game
Escape: The Curse of the Temple
King of Tokyo
Love Letter (various editions)
Ticket To Ride (US Edition)
Tsuro (various editions)
Wits & Wagers

YES! you are welcome to bring your own!! We cannot provide storage, however, so plan to carry it with you to/from the event.