EdCamp: The Unconference - A Fun and Informational Time

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What is Edcamp?

It's InstructureCon's version of a BarCamp. The attendees set the topics of discussion. Then you break out into groups to discuss Smiley Happy

The Good:

The breakout sessions were an awesome way to talk with others that have the same questions, concerns, etc. A chance to share contact information, experiences, and possible answers. It also meant being able to put a face to a name on the Community. It was nice to have a Canvas employee who was willing to sit with each group.

The Bad:

The only bad... the day. With preconferences, meetings with CSMs, and user group meetups happening on Tueasday people had to come and go, or miss out altogether Smiley Sad

The Awesome:

The sense of community. The chance to talk to others on topics we find important.

EdCamp. I will see you again in 2017!
