Opportunity to Learn About Virtual World Use in Education

Community Participant

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The 2017 OpenSimulator Community Conference will be held in the OpenSimulator Community Conference Grid (or OSCC Grid) virtual world AND streamed live (@ https://gaming.youtube.com/c/AvaconOrg/live) on December 9th and 10th. In turn, even if you have never been in a virtual world, attending the OSCC event will enable you to gain first-hand experience attending a virtual world event as well as will introduce you numerous examples of how virtual world simulations are used in education. To learn more about how to register for the [no cost] event and move around within the conference grid, follow the step-by-step guide below.

A Few Highlights from the OSCC Program

If you still need to be convinced virtual world simulations and events are beneficial to educators, here are just a few of the highlights from the upcoming OSCC program (at http://conference.opensimulator.org/2017/program)…

  • The Liverpool & Manchester Railway circa 1830 (Graham Mills) - Presentation will detail how (in the absence of a photographic record of the railway) OpenSim is being used to model parts of the railway and adjacent areas.
  • 40 Virtual Cities Online (Christer Lindstrom) - Learn how public and private stakeholders are working together – using the OpenSimulator platform – to visualize, simulate, and plan future urban landscapes.
  • Spanish Language Learning (Martha Eugenia Lino and James Abraham) - Presentation will detail how students interact with learning objects and chatbots while strolling through a plaza or pyramid (to practice their Spanish language skills).
  • Case Study Simulations for In- and Out-of-World Use (Kay McLennan) - Learn how to create case study simulations (with NPC and chatbots) in an OpenSimulator grid and how the same simulations can be used for in-world tours and out-of-world instructional materials.
  • SLurtles Research (Carina Girvan) – Presentation profiles the research conducted on [the constructionist learning possible through] the use of shareable artifacts in virtual world learning simulations.
  • Bringing Literature to Life in OpenSim (Mary Howard and Andrew Wheelock) – A discussion of the Understanding the Holocaust Project (that correlates with the Diary of a Young Girl: Anne Frank) and the Westing Mansion Project (that correlates with the fictional story The Westing Game).
  • Developing Usable Prototypes for Serious Games in OpenSim (Rachel Umoren and Evalyn Gossett) - An overview of the development process for serious games, including prototyping, usability testing, and more.
  • Virtual Worlds Database (Alyse Dunavant-Jones, Valerie Hill, and Marie Vans) – Learn how the Virtual Worlds Database is promoting the best educational content virtual worlds have to offer, including the Digital Citizenship Museum.

Again, see the complete conference program at http://conference.opensimulator.org/2017/program.

How to Register for the OpenSimulator Community Conference

Register for the OSCC17 event on the web site at oscc17.eventbrite.com. Note: While the conference will be hypergrid-enabled, please be sure to request an OSCC Grid avatar. That is, when trying to login (at the same time a lot of other attendees are trying to login), it is easier to gain access to the grid through a “native” avatar.

Also, if you are too shy to use your real name when you register, you can always use a nom de plume (for your avatar’s name)!

How to Download & Set-Up the Needed Viewer

The Firestorm 64bit Viewer is recommended to access the OSCC Grid (with the download page for the Firestorm viewer at http://www.firestormviewer.org/downloads). More specifically, first choose your operating system (see below).

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Next, click on the 64bit Firestorm Viewer for OpenSim.  Then, after the Firestorm Viewer is installed on your computer, you need to load the OSCC Grid into the viewer. To load the OSCC Grid, click on the “Viewer” drop down menu in the upper left-hand corner of the viewer. Next, click on “Preferences” and “OpenSim” (items #1 in the image below). Next, enter the URI for the OSCC Grid (http://cc.opensimulator.org:8002 = item #2 in the image below). Finally, click on “Apply” (item #3 in the image below) and “OK” (item #4 in the image below).

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Next (after you receive your OSCC Grid login information), to login to the OSCC Grid, enter your avatar’s name (#1 in the image below), password (#2 in the image below), make sure “OpenSim Community Conference” is the grid selected (#3 in the image below), and click on the “Log In” button (#4 in the image below).

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As an aside, while the Firestorm Viewer is recommended for the OSCC event, there is another viewer – the Singularity Viewer at http://www.singularityviewer.org/downloads -- that allows the use of the URI in the grid text box WITHOUT the need for entering the grid URI into the viewer Preferences tab. See steps #1, #2, and #3 for the Singularity Viewer in the image below. In turn, since the Sinularity Viewer enables more rapid access to private OpenSim grids, it is a good choice for students.

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How to Navigate around the OSCC Grid Virtual World

After you login to the OSCC Grid, your avatar will be on one of the four Landing Zone islands (see the image below).

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While you are on one of the Landing Zone islands, use your keyboard arrow keys to practice “walking” your avatar around (see the directions in the image below).

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Next, activate your movement control and camera control panels by clicking on each in the “Avatar” drop down menu in your Firestorm Viewer (see the image below).

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Next, to teleport your avatar to the OSCC Keynote region, click on map icon located in the menu located in the lower band of your viewer (#1 in the image below), locate OSCC Keynote (in the scroll-able map – #2 in the image below – OR “Find” text box -- #3 in the image below), and click on the “Teleport” button (#4 in the image below). Note: To better spread out the load of multiple avatars logging into the region at the same time, conference attendees are assigned to one of the four landing zones and their OSCC Keynote region access matches their landing zone access. For example, if you are assigned Landing Zone 4 you need to click on OSCC Keynote 4 in the map OR type OSCC Keynote 4 in the “Find” text box.

After you arrive at the Keynote region, immediately right click on one of the chairs and click on “Sit Here” to seat your avatar in the chair. [Immediately seating your avatar minimizes the lag on the region (so more avatars can enter the region in time for the start of the event). Further, it is ALWAYS a good idea to arrive at a virtual world event venue EARLY. In contrast, waiting for the last minute to login often means you will miss five or ten minutes of the presentation (as you await your chance/turn to login).]

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After your avatar is seated in the audience at the Keynote auditorium, the script in the chair your avatar is sitting in will automatically focus your view on the stage and the presentation screen. To pan around the auditorium, click on the ESC button on your keyboard and use your camera controls to change the angle on your viewer. Also, click on the chat button in the menu located in the lower band of your viewer (#1 in the image below) – so the “Local [typed] Chat” will be visible (#2 in the image below) and so you will be able to read any additional instructions from the conference organizers (#3 in the image below).

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Also, prior to the start of the event, you will need to double-check to make sure your computer speaker (or headset) is turned on and set at the right volume. 

Note: Do not hesitate to login to the OSCC Grid in advance of the event – to gain additional experience navigating around a virtual world grid. Further, if you do login to the grid, you can tour the OSCC Shopping Zone (see the image below).

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Finally, please consider attending the Educators’ Meet-Up [scheduled for 5:00 p.m. PST (7:00 p.m. CT) on Friday, December 8, 2017, on the Expo Zone 3 in the OSCC Grid (@ 71, 70, 25)] – to network with other educators currently teaching in virtual worlds AND for educators and others interested in learning more about teaching in virtual worlds.  Again, drop by to visit with colleagues, ask a question, share/locate content, and more!

In addition to the Educators' Meet-Up on 12/8/17, please be sure to join the Educators in OpenSim group (in the OSCC grid). More specifically, after you are logged into the OSCC grid:

  • Right click on your avatar;
  • Click on Groups;
  • Search for "Educators" (without the quotation marks);
  • Click on the "Join" button; and
  • Click on the "Yes" button.

Also, feel free to use the group chat function to network with other educators during the Open Simulator Community Conference!

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Community Champion

This reminds me of SecondLife. How similar is it,  @kmclenna ‌? Although, it also reminds me of Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash, and I get a little scared. Smiley Happy 

Community Participant

Dallas, et al - The OpenSimulator (OS) virtual world platform is VERY similar to Second Life.  However, the OpenSimulator platform is VERY different from Second Life in a number of ways that are crucial to educators, including the following.

  • Setting up and maintaining an OS virtual world grid is dramatically less expensive than Second Life. For example, I maintain a NINE island [hosted] grid for half of what a single island cost in Second Life.
  • OS grids can be made private (so educators can use students' real names and still adhere to FERPA mandates).
  • OS grids enable free uploads of textures and allow for the saving on content (including entire island simulations).  In other words, educators will never lose their simulations and content (IF they create backup copies of their simulations and content).
  • Student avatars can be pre-created, pre-stocked (with needed inventory items) and pre-placed in front of the relevant educational simulations by an instructor.  In Second Life, students had to create their own avatar and further, manage to get their avatar to their institution's island.
  • A "sharing economy" has developed in the OS community -- leading to an abundance of [freebie] creative commons licensed content.
  • OS grids can be hypergrid linked (while SL is a closed platform).  For example, students taking French can hypergrid jump to the Franco grid to practice French in France!

Still, the OS grid cannot help you with your virtual world-related phobias/fears!  Smiley Wink

Community Champion

Thank you for the additional details, Kay!

Community Participant

I've just registered, and am so glad I saw this today. I think I had wanted to attend last year but it just wasn't a good time for me. Thanks for all the details Kay. I've spend tons of time on SL (and still own land there), but wanted to install my own instance of OpenSim. (I tried several years ago to install Simonastick and couldn't get it to work and didn't have time to trouble shoot.) So this motivates me to try again before the conference.

The different presentations sound great. At my institution, instructors are starting to want more information about AR and VR. I'll tell some other people about this.

Thanks again for the very comprehensive instructions!

Community Novice

It's not surprising that this makes you think of Snow Crash. According to a piece in i09, "Second Life founder Philip Rosedale says Snow Crash made him feel as though 'A person had written a novel about what I very practically had been thinking about my whole life.'" I haven't yet run across Hiro Protagonist in either SL or an OS grid, though. 🙂

Community Novice

Thanks for posting about this, Kay. Wish I could make it this year! (I'm JS Saltwater in SL and Kitely.)

Community Champion

That is interesting  @joseph_clark ‌. Thanks for the link! 

Community Participant

Does anybody know how long it takes to get the account activated?  I created the account and selected an avatar days ago, but still haven't gotten an email with my account info yet. (And yes I've checked my spam folder.) I just requested it again and it's "waiting for authorization" or whatever.

I've installed Firestorm and am eager to re-familiarize myself with navigating a virtual space before the actual conference.


Community Participant

Bethany (and Everyone) - I do not know when the OSCC17 avatars will be "delivered."  Still, you do not have to wait to begin exploring the OSCC grid.  Rather, you can always create an OSgrid avatar (@ https://www.osgrid.org), use the drop-down menu in the Firestorm viewer -- to make sure the OSgrid is selected in the grid box (see the image below) -- to log into the OSgrid and then hypergrid jump to the OSCC grid now.

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More specifically, after you login to the OSgrid, open your "World Map" (item #1 in the image below), enter the URI for the OSCC grid (http://cc.opensimulator.org:8002 ) into the find box (item #2 in the image below), click on the "Find" button (item #3 in the image below), and click on the "Teleport" button (item #4 in the image below).  Next, you will be transported to the OSCC grid.  [Note:  At some point in the next few days, the OSCC grid will be closed down to unregistered hypergrid traveler avatars.  Still, I did just check, and the OSCC grid is open to hypergrid travelers today.]

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Further, if you do create an OSgrid avatar, after you tour the OSCC grid, I recommend hypergrid jumping to the Franco Grid (with a hypergrid teleport portal located on the OSCC Expo Zone 4 island (at 159,66,25 -- see the image below).

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Note:  After you jump to the Franco Grid, I was going to send you to the Alice island -- with the most imaging build inspired by Lewis Caroll's Alice in Wonderland book (see a few images below) -- but I could not find this island again.  In turn, it may just be in need of a re-start (or the creator may have moved on to another build).  Still (even if the Alice island does not come back online), the Franco Grid is a wonderfully artistic and interesting grid to tour.

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Then, when you return to the OSgrid (by clicking on the "Home" button on your viewer World Map), I recommend touring Wright Plaza (with an assortment of freebie content and the Educator Commons shop I set-up at Wright Plaza 210,36,21 -- see the image below).

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Again, just a "plan B" for touring the OSCC grid now.  -- Kay McLennan

Community Participant

Hi @Kay McLennan,

This is another (and very long overdue!) thank you for this post. I ended up attending that conference and I've been involved with OpenSim and found my educational community in-world! I just stumbled on this post while doing research and realized I do owe it all to you for posting this information and the detailed instructions. 

I'll keep it short, but in a nutshell I'm working with Community Virtual Library and I built out a Hypergrid Resources Library for educators new to OpenSim (assuming familiarity with SL though). Anyways, our official grand opening is this weekend and I wanted to post instructions here for anybody who'd like to come! 

Again Kay - THANK YOU!!!

You are cordially invited to the grand opening of CVL's new Hypergrid Resource Libraries!

Our vision with this project is to help educators new to OpenSim learn about what hypergridding is so they can connect to educational communities across multiple virtual worlds. Unlike Second Life, which is one proprietary world controlled by Linden Labs, OpenSim grids are decentralized. Virtual worlds may be hosted by individuals or organizations from anywhere in the world, and hypergridding is the means of teleporting from one grid to another!

When: Sunday, July 21st 12pm PST.

Access: We have two branch locations, on Kitely and Avacon, and both locations have hypergrid portals that connect to the other branch library. Both locations also have multiple hypergrid portals to other locations to explore. 

To access either library, we recommend one of two options:
1. Create a new free account on the Kitely grid OR
2. Use an existing OpenSim Avatar/Account to hypergrid to Kitely or Avacon. (If you already have an Avacon account, you could do the same.)

Follow the steps below, or watch this short tutorial video: Find the CVL Hypergrid Library via a Kitely Account (3:12) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ich4LPkYIZE&feature=youtu.be
a. Create a free account with Kitely – https://www.kitely.com/
b. Download and install an OpenSim enabled version of the Firestorm viewer - https://www.firestormviewer.org/downloads/ (NOTE: It is possible to use another viewer, this recommendation is to just to keep it simple.)
c. Login to Kitely and use the world map to search for Cookie II.
d. At the Cookie II welcome station, use the local teleport to the Hypergrid Resources Library (NOTE: The video on how to find us recommends you click on the map to teleport, but we have a teleport doorway there now too. Either way works.)

Technical Difficulties or Lost?

You can use an existing OpenSim account to search for and hypergrid to Kitely using the URL http://grid.kitely.com:8002. Then search and teleport to Cookie II. At the welcome station on Cookie you can find the teleport to our HG Library Island.
Follow the steps below, or watch this short tutorial video: Find the CVL Hypergrid Library via OS Grid (1:59) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJnFOq0t20g&feature=youtu.be
a. Login to OpenSim and pull up the world map. (From the top tool bar in Firestorm, click on World, then World Map or use the map icon in the lower tool bar.)
b. Search for http://grid.kitely.com:8002 and then click Teleport.
c. At the Kitely welcome station pull up the world map and search for Cookie II and click to teleport. (NOTE: You may get a notice that the teleport failed, but that’s normal. It just means the world is booting up.)
d. At the welcome area for Cookie II, use the portal doorway to teleport to the library. (NOTE: the video above on how to find us recommends you click on the map to teleport, but we have a teleport doorway there now too. Either way works.)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ich4LPkYIZE&authuser=0" tabindex="0" target="_blankPreview YouTube video Find the CVL Hypergrid Library via OS Grid