Unable to adjust existing rubrics in new "enhanced" rubrics?

Community Participant

As the title says. If I've created a new rubric, published it, attached it to an assignment, and realize that instead of totaling 45 points it's showing 44 because I mistyped a score value. When I click on Edit,  I am 100% unable to change or edit any values.

This is new in the "enhancement" and is, quite frankly, insane.

I often, when developing a course, will base a rubric from an old one. I'll select it under "find a rubric," then click edit and change what needs to be changed, and go merrily on my way. Not now. Additionally, the "cannot change it because it's attached to an assignment" is a ridiculous limitation. After a SINGLE QUARTER the rubrics are all attached to assignments; this means that once we create a rubric and attach it, we can never adjust it, even for new courses in a new quarter/semester? Why?

There have been times when, as I'm grading an newly built assignment, I realize that I need to adjust the wording on a rubric item; before the "enhanced" versions, I could go in, do that, refresh the assignment, and go on.

Not now. Not with the "enhancements."

TLDR: Why can't we adjust points set in a rubric after attaching it to an assignment? I cannot be the only instructor on the planet who needs to edit a rubric in action.

Any help appreciated.


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