What terminology does Elevate Data Hub use?

Elevate Data Hub is built on several different features, areas, and functionalities. This list is designed to help you understand the terminology used throughout Elevate Data Hub, as it relates to the application as a whole and as it relates to specific sections of the application. Several terms are used multiple times in the application, and the application area to which a definition refers is noted in the term heading.


Section of Elevate Data Hub where account administrators can manage account-wide features.

API Errors

The number of errors in jobs run within the last 72 hours for the application.


The degree to which an instance can be viewed or updated. Options include:

  • Active: Instance is currently in use and can be viewed and/or updated.
  • Read Only: Instance is currently in use and can be viewed, but not updated.
  • Archived: Instance is not currently in use.

Change Date

The date and time stamp when any modification of data occurs.

Change Type

A description of the action taken for specific data. Options include:

  • Insert: New data added.
  • Delete: Data removed.
  • Update: Data modified.

Claim Set

Pre-defined access privileges for API integrations. Available claim sets are typically grouped by connecting application type (i.e., SIS, HR).

Data Version

Specific database schema/configuration created or changed at a given time, usually identified through a numeric label.


Words or strings of text that describe or identify the data.


Mutually exclusive group of related data elements that form a category (i.e., student), as defined by the data version.


Mutually exclusive sub-group of related data elements within a domain, like a subcategory (i.e., enrollment of student domain), as defined by the data version.


Issues occurring in the flow of data that impact the accuracy, quality, and/or security of the data, as defined by the validation rules. Each rule determines the error level of the returned data. Examples of error levels include fatal and warning.


Section of Elevate Data Hub logging the flow of all incoming and outgoing data.

Forwarded Date

Datetime the record was made available for outgoing data application retrieval.

Incoming Data

Data coming into data hub from integrated applications.

Incoming Data Descriptors

Data labels that are used by a source system for data coming into Data Hub.


Section of Elevate Data Hub where provisioned databases using a predefined data version template for an organization for a designated time period (often a single school year) are listed.


Section of Data Hub where connections between Elevate Data Hub and other source systems (such as SIS, HR, Assessment, Finance, etc.) are established and maintained.

Last Activity Date (Instances)

Last timestamp of successfully requested API token.

Last Requested Token (Integrations)

The last timestamp when API credentials were requested for an integration.

Managing Account

Entity that owns and maintains an Elevate Data Hub account.

Name (Integrations)

The name of the app. Can be a name familiar to the instance.

Name (Validations)

Label or identification referring to a Validation job name.


Educational entity such as a local education agency (LEA). 

Outgoing Data

Data going out of Elevate Data Hub to reporting systems.

Outgoing Data Descriptors

Data labels that are used by Elevate Data Hub for data leaving and going into a source system.

Recent API Errors (Instance)

The rolled up number of API error counts from connected vendors in an instance within the past 72 hours.

Records (Validations)

An indicator showing the number of items that resulted in a some sort of error out of the total number of items.

Resource (Events)

The name of a collection of fields as defined by the API documentation that is used to populate the Operational Data Store (ODS).

Resource Primary Key (Events)

The primary key as designated by the API resource the record belongs to.

Rule ID

A string of text and/or numbers that label a specific rule. This is the External ID when authoring a rule.


Prescriptive parameters that form the context of one’s data.

School Year(s)

The academic year(s) where a given instance has been used.

Status (Integrations)

Indication of whether the current integration’s API credentials are still valid. Status can be active or inactive, indicating API credentials may need to be regenerated.

Status (Outgoing Data)

The outgoing data status of the record into the downstream applications. May display the following statuses:

  • Error: <Error Category> These errors could have occurred as pre-forwarding validations or when the downstream application attempted to ingest the record.
  • Pending: No errors and no success message returned from downstream application.
  • Success: Downstream application has reported back to Data Hub that the record has been ingested successfully.

Status (Validations)

Indicator of progress in updating the data. Options include: 

  • Complete: Data has finished updating.
  • Running: Data is currently updating.
  • Failed: Job couldn’t complete.

Unmapped Descriptors

Data labels that have not been aligned.


Section of Elevate Data Hub where checks for accuracy, quality, meaningfulness, and security of data against defined rules occur.


The business or entity to which an integration belongs. Available vendors are defined by Elevate Data Hub account administrators.