What exactly is the CD2 migration_id and how is it meant to be used?

Community Explorer


I've noticed there are entries in most course content items for a migration_id. My assumption was this was a way to join with the content_migrations table, but the id in that table doesn't match the format of the migration_id. 

What I'm Trying to Do

I'd first off just like to understand what the migration_id and content_migrations.id are meant to do. As an example of a specific project, I'd like to look up a given assignment/quiz/page/etc. and track that content item back to the course where it was originally created through its content_migrations. However, since the migration_id and content_migrations.id don't appear to be related, I'm stumped.


Is there a relationship between a content item's (assignment/quiz/page/etc.) migration_id and content_migrations.id?

If not, what are they meant to be used for?

Is there a way to see which course a content item came from (whether through migration_ids or something else?)


I assume I'm missing something obvious, but if someone could point me in the right direction, that would be great.


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