Need Instructure's guidance on field value equivalences between CD1 and CD2 (workflow_state and other relevant fields)

Community Contributor

(edited for clarity) As I'm migrating my CD1 queries to CD2, I'm noticing that the possible values of the 'workflow_state' field have drastically changed from CD1 to CD2 in at least the records belonging to the 'quizzes' and assignment tables. 

Specifically, while I can see the relevant quiz records in CD1 by checking for 'workflow_state'="published", there are NO "published" quiz records in CD2. Instead, I find the value of "available: in many of them (which apparently I need to use in my queries instead).  Would be nice if Instructure can confirm that this is correct, and as expected (it certainly surprised me though) . 

Likewise, when I look at the assignments table, retrieving the 'published' assignments in CD1 gives me back a set of 1031575 results. Using an equivalent CD2 query gives me back *only* 775582, which is way less than in CD1. I can only suspect that many of the records which in CD1 were 'published', must have a different workflow_state value in CD2 (in fact, there's all these possible values in CD2: '__dap_unspecified__', 'unpublished', 'published', 'deleted', 'duplicating', 'fail_to_import', 'failed_to_duplicate', 'failed_to_import', 'failed_to_migrate', 'importing', 'migrating' !!). How can I tell which of these values I should be including in my query to be able to retrieve *all* of the assignments I used to retrieve with my CD1 query. I would appreciate any insights on this (for example, I wonder if I should be using something like '!= "deleted" and forgetting the 'published' workflow_state value, etc.). 

More generally, I'm realizing that I need to understand the equivalence between all the possible field values in CD1 vs CD2 in order to be able to successfully migrate my queries.  Specifically, I should be able to tell - by looking at documentation- which tables are affected by changes of this sort, and what are the table fields that have been affected in this manner (aside from 'workflow_state'). 

Can Instructure provide guidance on this? (BTW, I can tell what the possible field values are in CD2 by looking at the documented schema)