Getting New Quiz Responses from Canvas Data 2

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I have an instructor that created new quizzes for an entrance survey and an exit survey that gauges students' knowledge pre & post course.

I've downloaded our Canvas Data 2, and loaded it all into PowerBI.

I've looked at the schema online, but I'm having a difficult time figuring out what the related tables for this should be. I tried linking course -> assignment -> quiz, but that doesn't give any results. Does that refer to classic quizzes?

I also see an assessment questions, and assessment question banks, but no assessment results, etc.

1 Solution
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The quizzes table in Canvas Data 2 is Classic Quizzes.

New Quiz data is not available in Canvas Data 2.  The best you would be able to get would be the assignment details, but not the actual quiz items, be it questions or responses.

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