We created the following Phyton helper class. When we have finished coding and testing our CD2 scripts, we will place it out on our GitHub for sharing. I do not know if this does what you want. We do this to build the scripts dynamically based on what is sent to us via CD2. We also pull the schema from the table after a confirmed data download. (Disclaimer: I am an old-school C developer having to learn Python to stay in the game. No making fun of my code)
We are currently building the load data scripts as well. We are experiencing performance issues with the DAP insert process.
from __future__ import annotations
class SchemaGenerator:
def __init__(self, logger, namespace, table):
self.namespace = namespace
self.table_name = table
self._logger = logger
self.schema_object = None
self.schema_json = None
def table_def(self) -> dict:
return self.transverse_schema_object(self.schema_object.schema, "properties/value") if self.is_valid_schema_object(self.schema_object) else None
def fields(self) -> dict:
return self.transverse_schema_object(self.table_def, "properties") if self.table_def is not None else None
def keys(self) -> dict:
return self.transverse_schema_object(self.schema_object.schema, "properties/key/properties") if self.is_valid_schema_object(self.schema_object) else None
def required(self) -> list:
key_list = self.transverse_schema_object(self.schema_object.schema, "properties/key/required")
field_list = self.transverse_schema_object(self.schema_object.schema, "properties/value/required")
return key_list if not None else [] + field_list if not None else []
def is_valid_schema_object(schema_object):
return schema_object is not None and hasattr(schema_object, 'schema') and schema_object.schema is not None
def transverse_schema_object(self, dictionary, path_string):
if len(path_string) == 0:
return dictionary
path_parts = path_string.split('/')
if not path_parts:
return dictionary
key = path_parts[0]
remaining_path = '/'.join(path_parts[1:])
if key in dictionary:
return self.transverse_schema_object(dictionary[key], remaining_path)
return None
async def initialize(self, session) -> SchemaGenerator:
self._logger.debug(f"Gathering Schema for {self.table_name}")
self.schema_object = await session.get_table_schema(self.namespace, self.table_name)
self._logger.debug(f"Completed Gathering Schema for {self.table_name}")
return self
def table_sql(self😞
return f"{self._drop_sql()}{self._table_sql()};\n"
def _drop_sql(self😞
return f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{self.table_name}`;\n\n"
def _table_sql(self) -> str:
sql = f"CREATE TABLE `{self.table_name}`\n(\n {self.build_columns()}"
table_constraints = self.build_constraints()
if len(table_constraints) > 0:
sql += f",\n{table_constraints}"
sql += "\n)" # Close the field definitions
comment = ""
if "title" in self.table_def:
comment += self.table_def["title"]
if "description" in self.table_def:
comment += f" -> {self.table_def['description']}"
if comment is not None and len(comment) > 0:
comment = comment.replace("'", '"')
sql += f"\nCOMMENT = '{comment}'"
return sql
def build_columns(self) -> str:
sql = []
columns = {**self.keys, **self.fields}.items()
field_name_length = max(len(name) for name, definition in columns)
[sql.append(self.build_column(name, definition, field_name_length)) for name, definition in columns]
return ",\n ".join(sql)
def build_column(self, name, definition, name_length = 25) -> str:
sql_table_name = f"`{name}`"
sql = f"{sql_table_name.ljust(name_length, ' ')} {self.field_type(definition).ljust(20, ' ')} {self.null_not_null(name).ljust(11)}"
comment = ""
if "description" in definition:
comment = definition['description']
enum_values = self.enum_values(definition)
if len(enum_values) > 0:
enum_comment = f"{', '.join(enum_values)}"
comment += f" [{enum_comment}]" if len(comment) > 0 else enum_comment
if comment is not None and len(comment) > 0:
comment = comment.replace("'", "''")
sql += f"COMMENT '{comment}'"
return sql
def null_not_null(self, name):
return f"{'NOT ' if name in self.required else ''}NULL"
def build_constraints(self) -> str:
constraints = []
return ", \n".join(constraints)
def handle_switch(key, default_value, switch_dict):
case_value = switch_dict.get(key)
return case_value if case_value is not None else default_value
def field_type(self, definition) -> str:
case_function = SchemaGenerator.handle_switch(
"integer": SchemaGenerator.field_type_integer,
"string": SchemaGenerator.field_type_string,
"boolean": SchemaGenerator.field_type_boolean,
"number": SchemaGenerator.field_type_number,
"array": lambda _: "JSON",
"object": lambda _: "JSON"
}) if "type" in definition else None
if case_function is None:
if "oneOf" in definition:
case_function = self.handle_one_of
print(f"Invalid Type for table {self.table_name} {definition}")
return_value = "UNKNOWN"
if case_function is None:
return "NONE"
return_value = case_function(definition)
if return_value is None:
return "UNKNOWN"
return return_value
def handle_one_of(self, root_definition) -> str:
definition = root_definition['oneOf'] if "oneOf" in root_definition else None
if definition is None:
return None
return SchemaGenerator.field_type_string(definition[-1])
def field_type_boolean(definition) -> str:
return "TINYINT"
def field_type_number(definition) -> str:
return SchemaGenerator.handle_switch(
"DECIMAL(63, 30)",
"float64": "DOUBLE"
) if "format" in definition else "DECIMAL(63, 30)"
def field_type_integer(definition) -> str:
return SchemaGenerator.handle_switch(
"int64": "BIGINT"
) if "format" in definition else None
def field_type_string(definition) -> str:
return SchemaGenerator.handle_switch(
definition["format"] if "format" in definition else None,
"date-time": "DATETIME"
def field_string_definition(definition) -> str:
max_length = None
if "maxLength" in definition:
max_length = definition['maxLength']
enum_values = SchemaGenerator.enum_values(definition) or []
if max_length is None and len(enum_values) > 0:
max_length = max(len(value) for value in SchemaGenerator.enum_values(definition))
if max_length is not None:
return f"VARCHAR({max_length})"
return "LONGTEXT"
def enum_values(definition) -> list:
if "enum" in definition:
enum_list = definition["enum"]
return [value for value in enum_list if not value.startswith("_")]
return []