Pearl of Wisdom in Sydney

Community Champion

Last week I was lucky enough to go to the sold out CanvasCon in Sydney. It was a great opportunity to: 

  • meet colleagues I usually only collaborate with online 
  • put faces to names 
  • swap stories and ideas 
  • meet a true Canvas rock star  @Renee_Carney   
  • soak up Canvas enthusiasm 
  • hear about what’s coming for Canvas 
  • celebrate what has happened in the last year 


So many gem-filled moments. But one little nugget has been on my mind a lot.  @jared  mentioned during his keynote speech how powerful Canvas is for self-assessment and self-adjustment. The penny dropped, I realised I have missed some golden opportunities with reflections and feedback. Opportunities where learners, and teachers, can take steps towards adjusting and improving even more consciously. I'm going to make that happen more often now. I'd love to know how others are incorporating opportunities for self-adjustment in their Canvas spaces. 


Thanks  @jared ‌ for the pearl of wisdom. I even managed to weave it into our workshop with the wonderful  @craig_nicholls ‌. Self-adjustment is something that I think needs to be talked about more.