Community Updates 2022-12-16: Known Issues

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni





Hello Community!

While we look forward to the upcoming new year, Instructure's Community Team has been looking for a way to improve the way Known Issues are presented and conveyed to the Community. The purpose of the page is to inform our users of the top known issues for all Instructure products and we wanted to improve the readability of these issues so you can get the information you are looking for. To better guide Community members, we have made a few changes including updated header navigation, increased status visibility, improved product branding, default chronological publish dates, and more.

Firstly, status indicators now will appear on the main landing page to inform you of which stage any given issue is currently at. These are color-coded and include icons dependent on the status of the issue. 




We also have increased the visibility for applied filters. Once a filter is applied, the selected labels will populate above the results for easier readability. We hope to increase this feature in the near future to enable the ability to exit out the feature from search results within this field. For now, you can use the filter boxes on the right of the screen to re-apply or remove filters. 



Additionally, we have adjusted the layout of the Known Issues pages themselves. Increased font sizes, product branding, and improved status indicators and messages are some of the improvements that have been made.

known issues.png


We know that your time is valuable and we hope that these changes will make navigating the Known Issues page easier and more efficient for you. By providing clear and detailed information on what Instructure has identified as a problem, we believe that these changes will help navigate any issue at any given state for all users moving forward. 

Community Coach
Community Coach

These changes are, in general great!

I have one small additional tweak suggestion...  Instead of the tag saying "completed", it may be clearer for everyone if it said "fixed".


Community Team
Community Team

Hi @chriscas - Thanks for the feedback! Completed is used as it matches our internal ticketing system. If something has been addressed and needs to be reopened, a new Known Issue page will be created. Ultimately, it builds consistency! I hope this helps!

Community Member

Great this changes are good..   

Community Coach
Community Coach

Hey @KristinL,

Just coming back to this one more time.  I think some consistency does make sense.  I wonder if there could be a compromise where the tag could say "fix completed" instead of just "completed"?  Adding "fix" to the beginning seems like it makes things more understandable for the general audience of the community vs the ticket system which is for the engineers.  If it has to be an exact match, I understand, just thought perhaps there could be a "best of both worlds" scenario here :).


Community Participant

@greydonor @KristinL - If you filter for Catalog, it shows there are 0 known issues. Not Open, Closed, Declined, or Pending.

Nothing. Ever.

Clearly that's not right...

We are also experiencing an issue with faculty being unable to create courses (case #09545447) but we couldn't replicate the issue in beta or test. Support has informed us this is a known issue and a fix has been deployed to beta and test, but not prod.

  • Why does this issue does not appear in the list of known issues.
  • What's the criteria for inclusion in Known Issues?
  • Is there any way we could have known this issue existed or that fixes were being tested in beta and test?
  • Are there release notes for test or beta which show what's being tested?


Community Member

My university is relatively new to Canvas, but I'm not sure I understand this clarification. A colleague and I were talking yesterday about limitations of numerical answers in quizzes.  Both of us would like to use quizzes with small numeric answers (close to zero, but numbers that would usually be entered in scientific notation). 

This doesn't work in Canvas, because numeric answers truncate past the fourth decimal place. This seemed to both of us a bit unfathomable, but there it is. I looked today, and it is not listed as a known issue. But i looked a bit more, and it turns out it was a known issue, and it was "fixed" in 2015 ( For some reason the fix didn't stick and was rolled back, and now we are back with the same problem, except it's 2023 and Quizzes still have the problem that was known about and solved eight years ago. 

As a new member, I haven't been able to find how to submit new issues (nor am I sure I have the permissions to do so). Would someone else be able to submit the issue on my behalf?

Community Champion

How often does the Known Issues page get updated? 

I opened a ticket on February 6 regarding grades missing for "concluded" enrollments.  It was attached to EVAL-2857 as the JIRA # and I was told engineering was working on it.  However, this issue is not listed on the Known Issues page. 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @GTK 

Thanks for bringing up your concern regarding the decimal points in quizzes. We would like to assist you, but this Known Issues update isn't necessarily the right forum - feel free to check out the Canvas Question Forum here: 

However, we did some digging into your post and concern. I was able to replicate that behavior in my Canvas course - and you are correct. The numerical question type will reduce the decimal point value down to 4 spots whether in the question "correct" answer and as a student actually answering the question. Both question and answer will reduce down to 0.1234 and not 0.1234567. Because there were others with similar concerns, and the developers made a fix for this (as you found) but it has somehow been rolled back or removed, you should absolutely speak with Canvas Support. Please open a ticket and they should be able to get the ticket back to the attention of the developers as this should have been fixed in the past. Hopefully this helps. 

How do I contact Canvas Support? - Instructure Community  


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hey @canvas_admin ! 

To answer your question, we have a process created with our support team where they tag the Known Issues to be added to the Community. I was able to speak with Support on the Jira that you referenced, and it looks like the tag may have been missed, but we have been able to get it added here

I hope this helps and have a good day!

Community Member

Not exactly sure where to put this but I can't find a place to submit possible bugs. Is it a purposeful design that closed assignments with no submission never leave the ToDo tab in the App and act as a forever notification? It seems to me if the assignment closes with no submission and the student can no longer submit, the assignment notification should go away. Maybe give it a week before it does disappear, but either way, there does not seem to be a way to get rid of this assignment notification on the Canvas app.

Community Team
Community Team

Hi @NolanPernia - The best way to report possible bugs is to open a ticket with Support. They'll take a look and help you diagnose the issue. How do I contact Canvas Support?