How do I view my Learning Mastery scores for a subject?
This lesson applies to users at institutions that have enabled the Canvas for Elementary user interface.
Learning Mastery scores are used by your instructor to measure performance based on classroom standards, or outcomes. Outcome scores may be tied to assignments and other items throughout Canvas.
If your subject Grades page shows Assignments and Learning Mastery tabs on the Grades page, you can view standards-based scores in the Learning Mastery tab.
Open Subject

From the Homeroom, click the Grades tab [1].
To view grade details for a subject, click the subject name [2].
View Subject's Learning Mastery Gradebook
Click the Grades tab [1]. Then click the Learning Mastery tab [2].
View Outcomes Overview
In the Learning Mastery tab, you can view overall details about the outcomes available in your course. Grades will show you the name of each outcome group [1], as well as the outcome summary [2]. The outcome summary displays the number of outcomes you have mastered out of the total number of outcomes within the group.
Click the down arrow [3] or the name of the outcome group to expand the overall achievement for the entire outcome group.
View Outcomes
When an outcome group is expanded, each outcome is displayed with the outcome name [1]. To view more information about an outcome, hover over the information icon [2].
Each outcome also displays an icon indicating mastery [3].
To view information about outcome alignments, click the arrow icon [4].
View Outcome Information
The information window displays the assessment of the outcome.
You can view the date for the most recent assessment of the outcome [1] and the assessed mastery level [2].
You can also view the calculation method for the outcome [3] and an example of the calculation method [4].
View Alignments
Alignments are the assignments and other Canvas items that are linked to an outcome. These alignments show what course assignments you participated in to earn your score. Not all items may be aligned to an outcome.
To view alignments for an outcome, click the arrow icon [1].
Each outcome displays a link for each aligned item [2], as well as your assessed mastery level for each aligned item [3].