How do I view my student's grades in a current subject?
This lesson applies to users at institutions that have enabled the Canvas for Elementary user interface.
The Subject Grades page displays your student's grades for all subject assignments. If your student's institution has enabled grading periods, you can also filter grades by grading period.
You can also view concluded subject grades.
Note: Some details in the Grades page, such as scoring details and the total grade, may be restricted in your student's subject.
Open Subject Grades

In the Homeroom, you can use the drop-down menu to switch between students you are observing [1].
From the Homeroom, click the Grades tab [2].
If allowed by your student's instructor, your student's total subject grades display [3].
To view grade details for a subject, click the subject name [4].
Note: If your student's instructor has hidden total subject grades, dashes display in place of the total subject grade [5].
View Subject Grades
If your student's institution has enabled grading periods, you can view grading periods using the Grading Period dropdown [1].
If allowed by your student's instructor, your student's overall subject grade displays [2].
To view assignment group totals, click the View Assignment Group Totals arrow [3].
By default, grades are sorted chronologically by assignment due date.
You can view the name of the assignment [4], the assignment due date [5], the assignment group [6], and your student's assignment score and total assignment points [7]. You may also view whether the assignment includes unread scoring details or comments [8].
A dash icon in the score column indicates grades have not been posted [9]. Once the assignment is graded, the icon will be replaced by your score.
The submission status displays below the assignment name [10].
View Grading Periods

If your student's institution has enabled grading periods, you can view your student's grades according to grading period. By default the Grades page displays the current grading period [1]. If an assignment does not include a due date, it displays as a part of the last grading period.
If your student's subject includes weighted assignment groups, assignment groups may vary depending on which grading period you are viewing. An assignment group displays if the group has at least one assignment due in the selected grading period.
When grading periods are weighted and you select the All Grading Periods option [2], the weights of each grading period display.
View Assignment Groups

Assignment groups allow instructors to organize assignments, discussions, and quizzes into groups and apply specific grading rules or weights to those groups. You can view the percentage score your student earned for each group [1]. If your student has not been graded on assignments in an assignment group, a percentage does not display [2].
Note: Assignment group percentages may be restricted by your student's instructor.