How do I manage Subject Navigation as an instructor?

This lesson applies to users at institutions that have enabled the Canvas for Elementary user interface.

As an instructor, you can control which tabs appear in Subject Navigation. Canvas includes a set of default tabs that are shown by default and cannot be renamed. However, you can choose to reorder or disable subject tabs. Depending on your course configuration, other tabs may be available and customizable.

Links to tabs that don't have any content and that students cannot create content for will be automatically hidden for students and will display the Visibility icon to instructors in Course Navigation. Configured External Apps may create additional subject tabs.


  • The Groups tab displays for instructors by default. However, students can only view the Groups tab if the subject includes at least one active group.
  • If the Grades tab is disabled in a subject, grades for that subject do not display in the homeroom Grades tab. If the Grades tab is disabled for all subjects, the Grades tab does not display in the homeroom.
  • A subject's Resources tab is automatically hidden when external apps have not been added to the subject and content has not been added to Important Info.
  • If you disable an external tool from Subject Navigation, the LTI button no longer displays in the subject's Resources tab.

Open Subject

Open Subject

In Global Navigation, click the Subjects link [1]. Then select the name of the course you'd like to manage [2].

If the subject does not display on the Subjects list, you can view all of your courses by clicking the All Subjects link [3].

Manage Subject

Manage Subject

Click the Manage Subject button.

Open Settings

Open Settings

View the Subject Navigation Menu [1]. To learn more about using the subject links, view the Canvas Instructor Guide.

To manage the menu, click the Settings link [2].

Open Navigation

Open Navigation

Click the Navigation tab.

Save Navigation

Save Navigation

Click the Save button.

View Subject Navigation

View Subject Navigation tabs. Subject tabs display in the same order you have designated in Settings [1].


  • Hidden navigation items will not display tabs in the subject. As an instructor, you can access hidden navigation items in Subject Navigation by clicking the Manage Subject button [2].
  • If you have disabled a tab for an external tool, that tab will not display and is hidden to all course users, including instructors in Subject Navigation.