How do I take attendance in the Teacher app on my Android device?
You can take attendance in your course using the Canvas Teacher app on your Android device.
The Attendance tool is configured by default to allow taking roll seven days a week. This setting is useful for courses where there may be a need to take attendance for an event that takes place outside of a regular school week. However, the Attendance tool will only calculate grades in the gradebook out of the total number of days roll has been taken.
Students cannot access the Attendance tool; only instructors have the ability to take attendance. However, students can see the Attendance assignment in the Assignments page and view their attendance report as part of the Roll Call Attendance submission details page. If you are using attendance for grading, students can also view their attendance grade in the Grades page.
Note: The Attendance tool must be enabled by your Canvas admin before it can be used in your course. If you cannot see the Attendance link in the Canvas Teacher app, please contact your administrator.
Open Course

In the Dashboard, tap the name of the course you'd like to view.
Open Attendance

Tap the Attendance link.
View Attendance

By default, the Attendance tool displays all students in the course [1] and the attendance status for the current date [2].
To filter the students displayed in the tool by section, tap the Filter icon [3].
Select Date

To select a new date for attendance, tap the Calendar icon [1]. Then select the date from the calendar [2] and tap the OK link [3].
Take Attendance

To change a student's attendance status, tap the Attendance icon next to the student [1]. To mark all students as present, tap the Mark All as Present button [2].
Note: Once you have marked attendance for one student, the Mark All as Present button will become the Mark Remaining as Present button. After tapping this button, only unmarked students will be marked as present.
View Attendance Options

There are four attendance options in the Attendance tool:
- The green Check Mark icon indicates the student is present and on time [1].
- The gray No Symbol icon indicates attendance is unmarked [2].
- The red X icon indicates the student is not present [3].
- The orange Clock icon indicates the student is late [4].