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How can I record time stamps on a studio video? 

  • 1 Replies

Our institution started using Canvas Studio recently. I am exploring creating a Canvas Studio Discussion and have a question: When using Canvas Studio for a discussion, to reply to question prompts within the Canvas Studio video on an ungraded assign...

  • 2 Replies

Hi,I'd like to share a video posted in studio with just one student. I see the video but am not seeing a way to pull a URL or somehow share a private video. I reviewed their assignment specifically for them.Thank you!

  • 2 Replies

 Is there a way to change the Canvas Studio Recordings to save it’s temp recordings to the profile created by the person logged into the computer?

Community Explorer
Canvas Studio Discussion
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I am wondering if image files can be uploaded to Canvas studio? If not, is there an ideal way to share ~100 photos (each of which is several MB) with students?

  • 2 Replies

I fear I know the answer to this question, but I told my teacher I would ask!Is there a way to import edpuzzles into studio format?  We have studio so I hesitate to pay for a similar service, but I have a group of teachers that some of the precreated...

Community Explorer
Canvas Studio Discussion
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I spoke with someone at Canvas about this in December but haven't seen any changes yet. We film our morning announcements in Studio and embed them into a global announcement each morning. When I embed the video, however, I constantly have to go into ...

Community Member
Canvas Studio Discussion
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I have students post their speech videos on our Discussion Board. In the past, there had to go through a circuitous process of uploading their video to Studio, then embedding the  video from Studio into the DB. Is there any reason they can't do this ...

  • 3 Replies

how can i Eliminate the option to repeat or retake the exam in canvas studio so that the student can take them only once?

Community Member
Canvas Studio Discussion
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Hello,My institution is using Canvas Studio for some assignments and we ran in to the issue of not being able to attach a document along with the video. Is there a way to do this? We have some ways to do simple text with comments, but we have some as...

  • 1 Replies

I cannot find a way to mute your microphone (narration) while screen recording. So if you are capturing computer audio, it will play through your speaker and your microphone will pick it up and echo. So you have to choose one or the other in initial ...

  • 1 Replies

You recently sent a change to how closed captions are edited. This change is HORRIBLE!! I like the side-by-side panes, but having to click Save every time makes this process slow and cumbersome. It is a waste of time. Also, on my laptop, the Save but...

  • 1 Replies

We have modules created and pages that are using canvas studio videos. However I am showing zero traffic. These modules are in a blueprint course with many courses associated to that blueprint. When I check insights it shows no traffic which I find h...

  • 9 Replies

How do I make a video in Studio to post?

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to add my Canvas studio video quiz questions to an item bank? Or alternatively, use questions from an item bank in a video quiz? This would be a handy feature. 

  • 2 Replies

In a course's Files browser, if I upload a picture with the exact same file name, it will ask if I want to replace the original or create a new one. If I choose to replace, all content in the course that uses that picture will automatically show the ...

  • 2 Replies

As I am testing Canvas Studio with the Student View feature, I realized that I don't have the option to delete any of my saved recordings. Do students not have the option to delete any of their media once it is in their Studio Library?

  • 1 Replies

A student called me.  He had never had trouble before with making videos in Studio and uploading them to his assignments; however, now he is.  There has been no change in equipment or internet speed....he uses an iPhone and a PC for this work.The iss...

  • 1 Replies

It looks like the method for editing captions on Canvas Studio has been recently updated.  (In the last week or so.)Formerly: you uploaded a video to Canvas, requested captions, and then clicked "Review" and could make changes line-by-line and, after...

  • 1 Replies

Can anyone help? I was recording the class through Studios webcam feature for my students speeches. After I clicked finish and it loaded for awhile then gave me the attached message. Is there anything I can do or is it lost forever? 

  • 1 Replies

Our K-12 students have found a way around our school filter of YouTube videos by copying the blocked YouTube link and uploading it to their Canvas Studio library.  Once it's in their library, they are able to watch the video to bypass the filter.Is t...

  • 3 Replies

There are some students in my Canvas course that I can't share Studio videos with - there name doesn't appear. Any clue? 

  • 2 Replies

On canvas studios I can't save a video of my recording for class. I don't know what to do. I know how to save videos when I'm trying to save I get 3 loading dots.

  • 2 Replies

When I try to embed and upload a video from my ipad into canvas studio; the plug button is not there as an option. Do I need to install something else for me to access studio on the ipad?

  • 1 Replies

I thought someone told me that there was a setting to prevent students from reviewing a video when taking a studio quiz. When I go to Video Quiz Settings, the only options I see areHide question markers on timeline for studentsAllow displaying annota...

Community Participant
Canvas Studio Discussion
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I recorded my lecture in Studio.  The file uploaded but then ran for over 3 hours before giving a message of unable to process.  Where is the upload? I refuse to do this again.

  • 1 Replies

When granting points for viewing a video (my whole reason for posting in Studio), the insights download does not indicate the video name anywhere, making it harder to track

  • 3 Replies

I want to make timestamps within the videos I upload to Studio, or record in Studio, so students can click to a specific part of the video when they need to.Will Instructure add this feature?

  • 1 Replies

When I assign a Studio Quiz to my classes, the results are a pain to sort through for two reasons:  they are alphabetical by first name (unlike my rosters that are alphabetized by last name), and all of my cross-listed classes are listed together.  I...

  • 1 Replies

I used Canvas Studio Webcam to record a lesson with my class, but when I finished & tried to save it, I got an error message "Unable to process".  Is there any way to recover the video?   Thanks!  

  • 1 Replies