Videos not working

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I created a page and added several studio videos to it. I shared it with a colleague and she sent me a screenshot of what she sees. I tried viewing the page in student view and also couldn't see the videos. Do you know how I can fix this? I attached the screenshot from my colleague. 

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Community Team

@RachaelHeida ...

Are you following the steps located in this Guide?

How do I embed Canvas Studio media in a Canvas cou... - Instructure Community (

Also, I'm not sure this matters, but I see that you are using tables.  Generally speaking, tables should be used to hold data and not for page layout.  There are other accessibility things to keep in mind when using tables as well.  I'm not sure if using tables would cause any issues with your embedded Studio videos or not.

Hope to hear back from you soon on this so we can do more troubleshooting...thanks!

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