Placing a link to a Studio video in a Page, Assignment, or Announcement.

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Aloha all!

What I want seems simple enough, and it was possible before my university switched from Panopto to Studio. I just want to place links to relevant videos, housed in Studio, within the text field of assignments, pages, announcements, or other text areas. For example:

"Watch this video to understand how f-stops change depth of field."

I do not want to embed a video. That, I can do! But it's not what I need.


Tom G

1 Solution

Hi @ThomasGalli ...

If you do not want to embed but rather just make a link, you'll want to grab the public link for a particular video in your Studio library.  Here's a Guide on how to do that:

How do I get a public link or embed code for media... - Instructure Community - 1712 (

Hope this helps!

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