Linking Videos Together ???

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I am new to this sorry if this is a silly question, but the assignment is to do a video response to 3 separate section questions, so I have recorded in 3 separate videos. To make 1 assignment submission do I need to connect all of the videos together or just submit the collection? If I need to link the videos, can you advise how I go about doing this please. 

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

@EmmaLondon ...

I don't know of any ways to "connect" or "link" the videos you are recording together into one continuous video.  That would normally be something you'd have to do in an "offline" setting using video editing software on your computer.  Then, you'd have to upload your video from your computer back to your course...or however your instructor has specified submitting things.  This is really a question that you should be asking you instructor more about.  Unfortunately, we don't have access to your school's Canvas environment or any of your courses, so we wouldn't be able to provide specifics on how you are to complete your coursework.  You can contact your instructor by following the steps in this Guide:

How do I get help with Canvas as a student?

I hope this will be of help to you.  Good luck!

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