Canvas Studio - not able to share media with all students

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I am using Canvas Studio to record my Online Class meetings for my digital classes. Currently, when I record a class I record it in that classes' collection. Then, I create a public link and email that link to the students who did not attend so they can complete the material later. (This is very time consuming.)

I'd like to share the collection of videos with the students so that when I add a new recording, they can automatically view it. When I go to "Share" the collection, I enter the students name OR email address, and for some students, they populate. But other students are not available to add. For the ones that ARE available, I can either type in their name or their email address. But only about 10% of the students are there. Most students are not available. 

When I read the Studio Guide, it says everyone in the organization should be there, however this is not true for my school district and I'd like to know how I can add the rest of my students to Canvas studio. 

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @9936720 ...

I'm not 100% sure on this, but I *believe* the issue with not being able to find specific students in Studio is because they need to authenticate their Canvas account in Studio.  If I remember correctly, Studio is technically a LTI tool, and then first time you use Studio, you have to confirm your e-mail address to see the Studio interface.  So, if your students all visit the "Studio" page or view a Studio video that you've embedded in your course, their name should appear in the list for you to choose their name when sharing the collection or a specific video.  If they have not authenticated yet, their name may not appear in that list until they do so.

I hope this will help a bit.  Sing out if you have any other questions...thanks!  Take care, stay safe, and be well.

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